Stardate 52052.7 Reman was in his barber shop going over some plans he had devised to utilize his new found acquisitions. The picture of Elea would surely be useful in blackmailing Mull Valen. Mull's quarters was the first place he needed to go before checking in on Elea herself. If Mull didn't pay the price for the picture, he would simply give it to Elea and then watch the fireworks. He also needed to see her about selling the other picture. Reman surmised though that he had to think up some really good lie to tell her. That way he could sell the picture to her without any suspicion. Maybe he could tell her that he would accept some money to find it, some kind of Ferengi finders fee. No, that sounds stupid, Reman thought. He continued to ponder his plan while he locked away his stolen possessions in a hidden panel. Reman placed them next to Lyinn's cage, which was also behind the panel. He then closed the panel, locked it, and stood up. Just then he heard the chime of his door. "The barber shop is closed for the day! Come back tomorrow!", Reman shouted. The door opened and in stepped Commander Ming, the first officer of the ship, "I am not here to get my hair cut Reman, but thanks for the offer. I am here on business," Ming said. "Business? Ah, my favorite subject. Come on in," Reman said, smiling. "No, not the kind of business you would enjoy. I have some questions for you," Ming replied. "Wait a minute. You aren't security. What kind of questions are you going to ask? I haven't done anything wrong," Reman said, a little hurt. "Well then you shouldn't have to worry. And just because I'm not security doesn't mean I can't inquire about things happening on my ship," Ming answered him. "Well ask away. The seventh Rule of Acquisition states, 'Keep your ears open,'" Reman said. "It seems, Reman, that some items on this ship have been disappearing. People have reported things that had been in their quarters this morning that are now gone. Know anything about it?", Ming asked. "Hmm... some things have gone missing. Well to tell you the truth I can't find my latinum plated electric tooth sharpener. I seem to be a victim too," Reman said. "Don't change the subject Reman and just answer the question," Ming said, a little annoyed. "Well, excuse me for being upset about something of mine being gone. I guess everybody else on this ship is just more important than me, huh?", Reman said with a huff. Just as Reman breathed out his words, an invisible mist came out from his nose and floated in front of Ming's face. Ming was upset at Reman's outburst and was getting ready to toss him out an airlock. She breathed in deeply as she readied her retort and when she did the mist was sucked inside. Suddenly, she forgot what she was going to say and instead seemed a little taken with Reman, "Well Reman, I'm sorry that something of yours went missing... is there anything I can do to make you feel better?", Ming said softly. "Ummm... are you okay Commander?", Reman asked confused. "Just fine, Reman. And call me Becky." "okay, sure, uh.. Becky. So what do you mean by that, do something for me?", Reman asked. "Oh don't play dumb with me Reman. I see you looking at me," Ming said. Reman was still confused and then suddenly realized what was happening. She's just toying with me, trying to confuse me with her feminine charm. She's trying to get me into some kind of trouble, but it won't work. I'll just ignore her, Reman thought. He then spoke, "So? I look at people. Don't you? It's isn't any big deal." "No, I don't mean just look. I mean LOOK," Ming said as she got really close to Reman. Reman backed up into the wall. "Sure I see you. You are a female. What Ferengi wouldn't stare at you. You have clothes on," Reman said curtly. "Oh that can be fixed," Ming said as she started to undo her uniform. Reman was starting to get scared. This has got to be a trick, he thought. Any minute now some security officers are going to burst in and throw me in the brig. She must be stalling me, but for what... My quarters! Reman ducked past her and went for the door quickly. "I just remembered I have an appointment with uh... somebody... somewhere. I'll talk to you later. Goodbye," Reman said as he ran out the door en route to his quarters. "Reman, I'm not done yet! I'll see you again later!", Ming said as she watched Reman run down the hall. "I'll get him alone with me again, but this time he won't get away," she said, smiling.