Stardate 52054.0 Mull froze in fear momentarily. He shook it off and picked up a heavy compression phaser rifle Beeg had stashed. He fired two quick bursts over Enoz's head, where he saw the interdimensional glow of a Wiansani. The bolts went right through it. "Retune your weapons to the deflector dish frequencies we and Antal have used to get rid of these things!", Enoz yelled, lowering her head to retune her phaser. Mason and Mull lowered their phasers to do the same, but Mason stopped. Enoz and Mull knew the frequencies, but he didn't. The helmsman on duty, Ensign Candler looked confused and helpless. Wallin grabbed the phaser from Mason's hand and began tuning it. Mason heard a whine behind him and turned to see a Wiansani headed straight for Enoz, who was still tuning her weapon. "Enoz!", he yelled, shoving her out of the way. Unfortunately, it whipped him in the forehead, knocking him out. The Wiansani spun around to attack the defenseless Mason, but Enoz leapt up and pulverized it. Getting back to back with Wallin, she and the doctor were able to lay down the whole bridge with cover fire. She tapped her commbadge, but it didn't respond. "Valen! Use your rifle to get your console online! Tell all decks the frequencies or they're dead!", she yelled. Mull pulled the weapon open to get the power pack and a moment later had the console running. He quickly opened the ship wide intercom. In his quarters, Beeg heard the orders, but it wouldn't do him much good. The dampening field had deactivated his prosthetic arms and one leg. Lying on the floor, seemingly helpless, he almost thought he could hear the Wiansani above him laughing. As it swooped down, he kicked it in the rear with his one good leg and sent it flying to a bat'leth hanging on his wall. The Wiansani was split in half and exploded from the inside in a small fireball. Back on the bridge, Mull did what scanning he could. "Commander Enoz, the dampening fields aren't affecting all systems! Life support is almost fully operational!" "Care to elaborate on that Doctor Wallin?", Enoz asked. "Dead humanoids aren't sufficient nutrition for the Wiansani. They need us alive." "If we have life support, why cut out the lights?" "Fear from you, and it makes it more fun for them." "A happy slave is a good slave, right Doctor?", muttered Mull. Enoz found it strange that Wallin knew so much about the situation. Maybe he knew Antal was going to do this after all, or maybe the Goulavar have fed the Wiansani this way before. Either way, she didn't give Wallin time to respond, "Valen, are all decks clear yet?" "No, ma'am. A maintenance crew had to take cover inside a shuttle in bay two. They don't have phasers. There's also several hundred more Wiansani outside." The intercom chirped, "Beeg to Bridge, I've just discovered that the Wiansani are spontaneously combustible when their internal organs are exposed to atmospheric gases." Enoz didn't even want to know how he had discovered that, "Mull, can you divert power from life support and beam out the Wiansani?" "No, ma'am.. but I can beam something in." "Transport the oxygen cartridges from some environmental suits, materialize them in the Wiansani." Mull frowned, but tapped a few buttons and energized the transport. Enoz felt a dull thud on the deck below her. "I underestimated the explosion, Commander. The maintenance crew is okay in the shuttle, but it blew the doors off of the bay." "As long as it took out the Wiansani, that's just fine," Enoz said. Only then did it occur to her that she hadn't needed to order him to damage the ship. "Reroute life support to the primary deflector dish and blast the Wiansani out of here like we did the first time." She shook her head, weary. She should have remembered that already. "You've been up too many hours, Enoz," she muttered to herself. Mull initiated the burst, but the dampening fields compensated, focusing on the dish. Unable to emit, the dish partially overloaded. Enoz instinctively reached for her phaser, but the lights came back up. Mull blinked, "Commander, the Wiansani are all gone, I don't understand how, but all systems except the deflector just came back up." Wallin looked up, "The processors in those dampening generators only have preprogrammed responses. They can't handle situations they've never encountered before. I've never heard of anyone using their deflector dish for non-navigational purposes before." "The Goulavar obviously don't get out much," muttered Mull. Then, more loudly, "Request permission to vaporize the dampening generators before they.." "Granted!", laughed Enoz. Mull ran to the tactical station and began firing low powered shots as Enoz contacted Syxx, "How are we?" "The primary dish is off-line, so is the EMH. I can have one up in less than a half an hour, but not both." Enoz checked her console, thinking. Ming and Reman had been beamed off of the ship. They could go to warp with the saucer section's dish, but at no more than warp four without relying on the shields to protect them from interstellar debris, and even that would only protect them for a few minutes at high warp. Besides, Wallin seemed capable and willing to serve as their CMO temporarily. "I want the dish, Syxx. Doctor Wallin, please take Mason to Sickbay and tend to the rest of the injured." The doctor hoisted the Captain up and left immediately. "Mr. Mull, I'm reading Antal's ship just sitting out there." "Waiting for new happy slaves, I bet." "They seem to be oblivious to our improved circumstances for the moment, but we need to get out here fast so we can rescue Ming and Reman. Phasers would take to long, we're too close for torpedos," she thought hard for a minute, then remembered the Wiansani splattered all over the shuttlebay, "Valen, how fast can you drill holes halfway through the doors on tight beam phaser? Say, ten holes?" The Bajoran tapped some quick calculations, "Only about a minute, but they'll only be a few meters wide apiece. Why?" "Do it! When you're done, we'll beam tricobalt devices right into the middle of it and blow it from the inside, and invert a tractor beam so we can keep debris from hitting us." Valen grinned and started firing. His grin faded when Elea strolled onto the bridge with half of her head missing. He let a stray shot vaporize some cargo containers on the floor of the station dock, but Enoz didn't notice. Elea took a seat at the helm, and Chandler went to a science console. Mull froze, unable to take his eyes of the circuitry in the side of her head. "Are you staring at my subcranial processor?", asked Elea. "No, not at all!", stammered Mull, "It's... it's ah.. hardly noticeable." Elea turned back around, seriously confused as to why Chandler was giggling to heavily. "Problem, Ensign?", barked Mull. "No, sir," Chandler replied, "Actually, I was just wondering if Captain Kirk and the original Enterprise had moments like this when they were waiting." "Mr. Chandler, I actually got to see Captain Kirk once," Enoz sighed, "There was a brief time in my childhood that the Troubles subsided, and the Enterprise visited as part of a Federation diplomatic effort to befriend us before we got violent again. As part of a cross-cultural exchange, Kirk performed in a musical before an audience that I was in as a student." "And?", asked an intrigued Chandler. "His singing could make a Vulcan cry, but his poetry... his poetry recitals were among the best in my world's history." "Drilling complete, I'm transporting tricobalt devices now," Mull reported. "Put them in the right places, Mull." Mull pressed one meager button and the doors poofed slightly in a flash, then were pushed away in crumbles by the repulse beam. Elea guided the Equinox out slowly. Antal's ship floated nearby. "Hail them!", ordered Enoz. Antal's face appeared on the viewscreen, his jaw hanging low in shock. Ming was all over Reman in the background, trying to rip his ears off as he howled in delight. "Why am I talking with you? How are you still alive?", Antal babbled. "How old are you, Antal?", Enoz demanded. "I'm 32." "A third my age, no wonder you're acting like a little baby. Transport Commander Ming and Reman back here now!" "Or what, you'll spank me like you do your other grandchildren?", Antal retorted. "No, I'll just blow up your ship," lied Enoz, "We have sufficient firepower." The Oblokoni really hoped Antal hadn't learned enough about Starfleet to know she was bluffing, and very badly. "Wouldn't it be more civilized to trade?", Antal suggested. Enoz nodded, hoping for something better than violence. "This Ferengi seems to have taken control of Becky through the use of an Oblokoni herb. Whatever an Oblokoni is." Enoz burned in rage, suddenly realizing who had taken Zenoz's snuff, "Reman, when I get you back here I'm going to lock you in a dark cold room with Beeg and hope he rips your ears off." "Oh Frinx, that Pinx!", howled Reman. "Get me out of here!" Commander Ming giggled and grabbed his ears in a different place. "Actually, give me a few minutes first." "Commander," Antal continued, "That substance would help us tame the Wiansani even more. I'll exchange these two for all of it that you have, plus transmission of all computer files related to it. Agreed?" "Fine," lied Enoz again. Mull locked on to Ming and Reman with the transporter, and to Antal's engines with a torpedo. When both ships dropped shields, Antal fired an energy bolt, blinding the Equinox but not damaging it. When the display cleared, Antal had gone to warp three. "Shields back up! Pursuit course, engage now!", Enoz ordered. Elea sent the Equinox directly to warp four. Antal had obviously been banking on the Equinox not going to warp at all without the primary dish, but the Goulavar ship sped up to warp seven. "Syxx, where's my dish?" "Five minutes." Without full deflector power, shields could only protect a starship at warp for about three minutes. Enoz hesitated in indecision, "Bridge to Sickbay, is Captain Mason conscious yet?" "Negative," replied Wallin, "He's suffered a concussion, it's too minor for me to concentrate on with more severe injuries present." The Oblokoni bit her lip, "Mull, reroute all shield power to the forward generators. Elea, warp eight. We'll take them with a tractor beam." The Equinox began to rock violently as the unprotected lower decks shook from the shields getting plastered with interstellar material faster than light. Valen had the tractor ready, but Antal's ship went to warp nine. "Nine point eight, Elea!", Enoz ordered. "At this speed, we've got thirty seconds!", Mull reported. The Goulavar vessel went to nine point nine, towards a nebula. Elea matched at nine point nine two, "10,000 kilometers from tractor range. Twenty seconds." Antal's ship disappeared. Enoz perked up, "Realign sensors for the frequencies Wallin gave us, it's probably Wiansani based invisibility technology." "Adapting sensors," said Mull, "Ten seconds." Enoz was gritting her teeth, thinking she was about to be forced to call off the pursuit, but the intercom sounded, "Engineering to Bridge, full deflector power online." Though relieved, Mull cursed, "I got a quick glimpse, but they went into the nebula." "Do we follow?", asked Elea. "Into another ambush? Uh-uh," said Enoz. "Circumnavigate the nebula at impulse. Deploy sensor buoys around the perimeter. Visible or not, he won't leave without us on his tail."