Stardate 52034.6 One minute he had been nine years old, saying, "I wanna fly on a starship, mom!" The next minute he was 22 and flying toward the U.S.S. Equinox. His stomach did another flip. Sasha couldn't beleive it. He was actually going to be a part of a starship doing what he always wanted, bartending. He loved mixing drinks for people while they complained about their jobs and their family problems. He loved being the one to make them feel better, either with the right words or with a stiff drink. He had always liked the notion of being a Starfleet Officer, working his way up the chain, becoming Captain of his own ship. He would run the ship by day, the bar by night, unless, of course, they got into some trouble. Then his badge would beep, and a voice would say, "Captain to the bridge!" He'd put down the bottle of rum and smile to the customer and say, "Excuse me," then calmly walk into the hall, and into the turbolift and say, "Bridge," in a deep, commanding voice. He'd get to the bridge, and even under the most severe pressure would know just what to do to save the day. But, he knew that would never happen. He had enough trouble in grade school that the Acadamy was completely out of reach. So, he'd settle for bartender by day, bartender by night, as an official civilian living on board. He liked the sound of that, Sasha Stroh, Civilian on the U.S.S. Equinox. Official Barkeep. He knew he'd be there soon enough. He sat next to the pilot of the runabout with a smile on his face. Sasha just couldn't wait to get on board. The computer beeped. A large structure was detected straight in front of them, and then there it was on the screen, at one of the docking ports on Starbase 263, the U.S.S. Equinox. The doors slid closed behind him. Sasha looked around his quarters and knew he'd be happy here. He quickly got unpacked and headed for the bar. Strange, everyone here seemed to call it the "Equilibrium." He decided that he liked the name. He walked in and went up to the current barkeep and introduced himself. He didn't actually start until the next day but he wanted to get familiar with the place first. He sat down at a table in the back by the windows and watched everyone. He could tell right away by looking who would be regulars. It seemed like a very friendly crew, and he knew he was going to love it here. Next he stopped by the holodeck. He had his own program that he used back home on Earth. It was a remake of a 20th Century arcade, complete with air hockey tables, video games, and pinball machines. He stepped up to his nemesis, Super Android. "So we meet again, Mr. Pinball Machine. You won't get away so easy this time," he smirked and launched the ball.