Stardate 52012.3 Captain Mason left his quarters, headed for the bridge. He had changed clothes from the more colorful dress uniform back to his standard grey duty uniform. After Dr. L'vant was found dead, he had retired to his quarters for the night. When he saw her, her face completely unrecognizable from whatever weapon had hit her, he didn't feel like going back to the dinner. He was up earlier than usual this morning, partly because he couldn't sleep, and partly because he had called an early meeting of the senior staff. When he stepped out of the turbolift onto the bridge, Commander Ming was already there. Mason walked toward her, "What's our progress so far Commander?" Ming got up from her chair, "Lieutenant Carter's been able to determine that she was killed by a type 5 disruptor." The Captain could tell she was taking Dr. L'vant's death pretty hard. She was usually more serious while on duty than off duty, but today her voice was very solemn. Mason said, "Have you been able to detect that type of weapon anywhere on the ship." Ming sighed, looking frustrated by the whole thing, "No, sir. It seems like the weapon's no longer on the ship, but we haven't detected any unauthorized transporter or shuttle activity." Mason's expression was harder to read, his emotions usually being hidden, "We'll go over it at the staff meeting. Maybe we can come up with some working theories then." Ming forced a smile, but still seemed rattled by the whole thing, "I hope so. I've instructed Lieutenant Carter to brief the senior staff on the situation so far. I also think we should arrange for a funeral service for Dr. L'vant." Mason replied, "Thank you, Commander. I'll leave that in your hands. You knew her better than I did." Ming nodded, and Mason started toward his ready room. On the way, he noticed the two security officers Carter had stationed on the bridge, a good precaution considering one of the senior staff had been murdered. He turned toward one of the officers, a young female Ensign, "Ensign, I want to speak to you in my ready room." The Ensign nodded and followed him inside. The Captain sat down at his desk, and the Ensign stood in front of him. The Captain looked sternly at her, "What's your name?" The young woman replied, "Ensign White, sir." "Ensign, I have a job for you, and you're not to discuss it with anyone except me, is that clear Ensign?" White was a bit shocked, but still stood dutifully at attention, "Yes sir." Mason said, "You've been assigned to security on the bridge. I want you to continue to do that, and provide security during staff meetings, but at the same time, I want you to keep an eye on all the senior officers. Watch for any unusual activity among them." White said, "Sir, would it not be more prudent to assign the chief of security to this?" Mason interrupted, "No, Ensign, it wouldn't. You're watching them because I believe it's possible that one of them has been replaced by a Changeling. The Dominion has been known to use the type of disruptor that killed Dr. L'vant, and a Changeling is more likely to replace a senior officer than an Ensign. That's also why you're not to discuss this assignment with anyone. I've been on ships that have been infiltrated by Changelings before, and I'm not going to let it happen here. Watch the senior officers carefully. Report any abnormal behavior directly to me. Understood?" White answered, "Yes, sir." Mason said, "Good. Return to your post." As soon as Ensign White walked out, Mason tapped his communicator to begin his Captain's Log for the day. He hoped that he was taking unnecessary precautions, that the Equinox was too far away from the war to be of interest to the Dominion, but he wasn't ready to rule out the possibility, not yet.