Stardate 52056.7 Captain Mason called to the Operations officer on duty as soon as he stepped onto the Bridge, "What hit us? Are we under attack?" The Ensign said, "Unknown, sir. No ship has been detected. There was just a sudden explosion outside the ship." She got up as Commander Mull took her place at the Ops station. The rest of the senior officers took their respective places on the Bridge. Mason said, "Beeg, scan the area for anything that might be a sign of a cloaked ship. Enoz, can the sensor records tell us what caused that explosion?" Enoz had already started analyzing the records. She studied them for a moment, and then looked a bit astonished, saying, "Captain, if I'm interpreting this correctly, it appears to be some form of dark matter. I should call Zenoz up here to help analyze the information. We are not being attacked, in fact it appears we may have discovered a new type of dark matter." "Back us off a little bit, but keep us within range to study it. Maintain alert status until we find out what caused the explosion. Before we continue to the Romulan outpost we need to make sure we aren't going to run into any more explosions. Bring a report to my ready room when you have it," said Mason. Meanwhile, Reman was in his holding cell, wishing he knew what was going on. He wondered what was trying to vaporize the ship this time, a psychopath with a deflector dish, a crazed Changeling, or a horde of Jem'Hadar. He just hoped they'd let him out before they all died. Reman decided there was nothing he could do about it and sat down. He wondered why Beeg had killed Lyinn. Maybe it was to teach me a lesson, he thought, then he quickly tossed that thought aside. He started to think about the events of the last few days and why he had not been formally charged. Maybe they will let me off the hook, I can blame it on the invasion, yeah that's it, he thought. The ship was still shaking as Mason entered the ready room, though according to the readings there was no damage to the systems or shields. As he sat down the floor continued to lightly vibrate under his feet. After some time, he heard the ready room door chirp. "Enter," he said. Enoz and Zenoz walked in. "What are your findings, Ensign Zenoz?", Mason asked, "Exactly why would dark matter explode?" "Well, sir, this is a different form of dark matter than we've ever encountered. It's combustible, even in the vacuum of space. Its properties are strange. As we entered the dark matter nebula our deflector dish was repelling dust and debris as it always does when we're at warp. The heat from the debris ignited the dark matter, which is inert in normal cold space. No one could have noticed it if they had not passed through it. I would like to get a sample so I can determine if we need to maneuver around it rather than through it." "Very well. Proceed." Meanwhile, Reman was wondering if things had calmed down permanently or if the red alert sirens were going to start going off again. He hated those. Why do those hew-mons have to make their sirens so loud, he thought. He looked up out of his cell. He was thinking about all the things he wanted to say to that Pinx as soon as he finally came back down to the brig. Where is he, Reman though to himself. He checks up on me a lot, but as long as he's not here, maybe I should try to get out of here before he charges me. Why don't these panels have screws on them so I can open one and get out? Oh well, I guess I'll have to wait for them to come to their senses and let me out of here. Back on the Bridge, Beeg was talking to the Captain about what to do with Reman. They had him on the kidnapping and enslaving of another sentient being, along with countless charges of theft and illegal entry. "Beeg we don't know if that little thing is intelligent yet," said Mason. "Begging your pardon sir, but it is wrong to steal a life form and forcibly coerce it to commit theft on your behalf. I am swift in judgment, though I strive to be fair. We cannot leave him in the holding cell without being charged for very long." "Well Beeg, we could fool him with another hologram, make him think we're extraditing him to the Klingons," joked Mull Valen. "That's cruel, besides, he would know it wasn't real. I think it should be recorded what he did and that he be put on probation, and if he gets caught again to be pressed for his next crime to the fullest extent of the law. Though I think he should compensate everyone for what he has done thus far, sir," said Beeg. "You said it yourself, Mr. Beeg, he forced another life form into commiting theft for him. His punishment should be a bit more severe than that." "Okay, sir, maybe we should think about it another way. He's a Ferengi, so the thing he wants more than anything is to make a profit, right? Maybe we should make that harder for him. We could make him start paying rent on that barber shop of his. We could also make sure the word gets out that he's a thief and shouldn't be trusted. If his reputation is tarnished, he won't be able to conduct any sort of business on this ship aside from cutting hair." "I think I can live with that," said Mason, "as long as he gives us all the information he knows on that life form." "Aye, sir," said Beeg. Meanwhile in holodeck one, the Goulavar prisoners was being interrogated by the assistant security chief, backed up by a certain three-armed security officer at Beeg's suggestion. They were hoping to gather more information on the alliance between the Dominion and the Goulavar Republic, but so far none of the Goulavar had been very cooperative. Most of the damage to the ship had been repaired, though the security department was just starting to get back into shape. They had lost some good officers between the Wiansani attack and having to fight Goulavar and Jem'Hadar invaders before Enoz managed to knock them out. On top of that, they were now having to watch the captured Goulavar and soon would have to deal with the captured Jem'Hadar. Although they hadn't had any trouble out of them so far, Beeg was also worried about Taj and the others the Equinox had rescued from the Goulavar. He knew he might be worrying over nothing, but it was his job to be suspicious. In order to try to relieve some of the strain on his staff, he had them drop down to two thirds their normal duty shifts, and ordered them to get extra rest. He let it be known that this was not a new habit of his, just a little unwind time. He made it clear that anyone not to his next shift on time would be charged with disorderly conduct. Beeg stopped at the holodeck to get a status update on the Goulavar prisoners. One of the guards stationed there, Lieutenant Martens, told him that there had been no change. The Goulavar as of yet had made no attempt at escape, although none were willing to give up any information when questioned. "Chief Beeg, I hear there is a new bartender on board, have you had a chance to talk with him? I heard he is a nice fellow," mumbled William, one of the more junior members of security, who always seemed to want to make smalltalk with Beeg. "No, William, I have not talked with our new bartender yet. I do not go to the Equilibrium very often," Beeg replied pensively. This was the second ship Beeg was posted to as a senior security officer. He was hoping it would be the last time he served on a small ship. He hoped that he'd eventually get the chance to be in charge of security on an outland outpost far enough away from Federation space that he would get to do things his way and not the way the Federation wanted, though he realized that to get that opportunity he would have to do things the Federation way. "Chief? Chief you all right, sir?", William asked, puzzled at his CO's behavior. "Yes, I am all right, just tired. I have been on duty thirty seven hours without any down time because of those prisoners, that's all," said Beeg, "William, you have your orders for the day, correct? If you need me I will be in my quarters resting until my next shift." *************************** Stardate 52058.0 "What did you do with my research!?" Taj stood at the entrance to the brig looking at the cell of the again unconscious Reman. When Reman didn't respond, Taj went towards the forcefield yelling, "You swindled me, Ferengi! Who did you give my research to!? Is it someone who wants to take credit for my breakthroughs!?" Heaton stepped in his way, but Taj shoved him aside. Heaton whipped out his phaser and stunned Taj. When Taj awoke, he found himself in the cell next to Reman's, with Beeg standing in front of the forcefield. "I am Beeg, Chief of Security on this ship and you are in grave trouble Mr. Taj. You assaulted one of my officers." Taj held the side of his head, still groggy, "Well, Chief, you should know I am not guilty of anything except being conned into giving up unpublished and valuable research to a Ferengi that probably cannot make heads or tails of what he has, much less know how to use it for what it is. Why did he want that stuff anyway?" "That's irrelevant," retorted Beeg, "All that is relevant is that you are going to remain here for a while until we find a way to keep you out of trouble. Now excuse me. I need to make my rounds." Taj shook his head, "I should have known better than to deal with a Ferengi." Beeg left and went to Reman's holding cell. The Ferengi was now awake again. "Okay Reman, where did you get that alien from?" "Why do you want to know? You killed it." "Just satisfy my curiosity. Now will you or must I get ugly and remind you of what you can be charged with?" "Okay, Beeg, what's in it for me?" "For starters I may forget some of those charges. If you are up front with me you may get to walk, but I may remember those charges if you screw up again. How does that sound for getting something?" Reman grimaced, "Fine. Mr. Clemons beamed her aboard some time ago, I don't remember when, but I found her and.. adopted her." "Computer, check all transporter logs which Clemons was involved with containing unknown life forms." Beeg watched the logs get loaded onto his PADD, then looked back up at Reman, "You need to remain here until it's safe for you. It seems you have made quite an enemy in Taj. I will see how soon I can get this over with, but you will not be charged right now. Just be sure not to screw up again. You're a twisted individual and I'll make sure that next time you're locked away for good." Upon leaving the room Beeg contacted Captain Mason, "Reman claims that Mr. Clemons beamed the life form aboard. I'm checking transporter logs for stardates and coordinates so that we can hopefully find out something about the creature's origins."