Stardate 52060.0 Reman finished getting his latinum together in a metal box, as well as a PADD that he secretly had since his meeting with Taj. Reman had figured out early on that Lyinn wasn't really killed by Beeg and that he and Syxx were really using him to get some information from Taj. Reman had learned of Enoz and her triad's double pregnancy from one of the Ferengi listening devices he had Lyinn plant in several officers' quarters. When the trouble began with the Goulavar, Reman had made Lyinn remove the devices. When he met Taj on the holodeck, he played back some of the information, letting Taj know about Enoz's pregnancy, the dilemma it was causing her, and why Syxx was trying to get his research. In exchange for this information, Taj gave Reman a piece of his people's technology, along with some fake research to give to Syxx. Reman and Taj also had a bit of discussion more about his real research. Reman, being the good Ferengi trying to make a profit off of anything, had praised Taj for his genius and that was all Taj needed to hear. Taj started going on about how great his research was and Reman could tell right away that he was a bit obsessed about it. It almost seemed like he would go to any lengths to further its application. Taj then proposed a plan that would help him out in furthering his research. After hearing it, Reman at first refused to be a part of it, but Taj threatened his life and also said he would reveal Reman's lie to Syxx if he didn't go along with the plan. Taj only gave Reman a few details of the plan. It involved Taj purposely getting thrown in the brig for trying to attack Reman. Then Reman would activate a computer program at the time Taj indicated. If the plan was successful... Reman didn't even want to think about it. He didn't like what Taj wanted to do, but realized he had no choice but to go along with the plan. Meanwhile, Beeg was in the Equilibrium having a conversation with the new bartender. "...and that's when I realized I wanted to be a bartender on a starship. What do you think?", Sasha said. "Uh-huh... great," Beeg replied. This guy is boring. I don't think I can stand talking to him much longer, Beeg thought. "Hey do you want to try a new drink I just invented?", Sasha said. "All right," Beeg said. Anything to quiet this bartender, he thought. Beeg quickly started to drink the strange purple liquid. Just when he was half finished with the drink he suddenly pulled the glass from his lips and spit the drink out in Sasha's face. "Well jeez if it's bad just tell me!", Sasha yelled. "There aren't any tirve berries in this drink are there?", Beeg asked, recognizing the flavor. "Why, yes. It is the main ingredient," Sasha said. "My species is violently allergic to tirve berries! I have to get to Sickbay right away!" Beeg jumped up and ran out the door already feeling sick to his stomach.