Stardate 52063.9 Sasha opened his eyes a tiny bit. Good, the Ferengi was asleep. Sasha got up and opened his bag. He had been heading for the Holodeck with it when he had to evacuate. He made sure everything was still safe inside. That Ferengi better not make a move toward any of his stuff. He decided to take a walk, taking his bag with him of course, to see if he could help anyone with anything. As he rounded a corner he ran into an officer he hadn't seen in the bar before. He would have remembered someone as pretty as her. He knocked her over and the part she had in her hands fell to the ground and broke. "Oh, I'm so sorry!", He exclaimed. He gave her a hand to help her up, then picked up the part for her. "Shoot! I broke whatever this was. I'm awfully sorry." "It's okay. I'll have another replicated. I should have been watching what I was doing. M y mind was, um, what do you say again? Somewhere else." She put a hand up to her forehead, like she was about to pass out. "Hold it, right there," came a voice from the corridor. Sasha looked behind him and saw a strange man with civilian clothes pointing a phaser at them. The officer reached for her phaser, still holding her head, but the man quickly leaped forward, grabbing Sasha. He pointed the phaser at Sasha's head, forcing the young officer to drop her phaser. The man smiled, "I thought so. You don't want me hurting him just because of you, do you?" He pressed a button on a band around his wrist and all three of them disappeared. *************************** Stardate 52065.0 Sasha woke up later, having no idea how long had passed or where he was. He was on what looked like an alien runabout of some sort. He looked over to where the woman was lying, next to him. She had an ugly looking mark on her forehead, at the beginning of her hairline. In fact, the hair that had been in the area of the black mark was gone. He noticed then that she didn't seem to be breathing! He reached over to check her pulse on her wrist. There was none! He reached up to try her neck, and when he touched the side of her neck it felt like something moved. He quickly pulled his hand away, but there was no reaction. He gingerly reached up and touched the area again and suddenly her eyes opened. They looked around and stopped on him. "Who am I?", she asked him. "I don't know," he responded, "but it looks like you might have a nasty bruise on your head here, maybe you hit your head and have amnesia." He caught himself thinking for a brief moment about how cool it was to be kidnapped on an alien ship next to a beauty who had amnesia. He yelled at himself for it. This was serious and she was in trouble, they both were. Sasha touched her wrist again, this time there was a slight pulse. He didn't dare touch her neck again, that was a creepy feeling, like there was a switch on her neck that awakened her. She looked up at him like she was about to say something when the ship jolted. Although she was a Starfleet officer, she made no move to check out the situation, so he got up and walked around a corner to the front of the runabout. The man who had abducted them lay on the floor, unmoving. He had no pulse. Sasha looked at the controls. Man, if he thought Starfleet controls looked complicated, this was even worse. On top of that, it looked as though there had been a short or something, the whole panel was dark. Sasha tried pressing some of the buttons but nothing did anything. Even the overhead lights had gone out. Now only the emergency ones were on. Sasha couldn't find anything that did anything. He went back and told the woman. She still seemed very disoriented and couldn't remember anything, including her Starfleet training, so there they were, stuck. At first, he tried to behave like he thought an officer would, "So, why do you think the stranger wanted you? Have you ever met him before?" "I don't remember, but I do not think so." "Well, did you have information he wanted? Like, were you carrying all the ships codes? Could type them out in record speed? Could you be brainwashed to do his bidding? On top of all that were you expendable?" He chuckled at his cleverness. He didn't know she was a cyberdroid, and that the burn on her forehead was caused by a short in her memory chips, making her unable to access certain simple memories like who or what she was. All this from hitting her head on a conduit. The wire had been mostly severed then, but completely when she passed out in the alien craft. He smiled and grabbed his bag he had been carrying. He pulled out a small silver flask. She looked at it curiously. "What's that?" He smiled, "Oh, just a little something I take everywhere I go for situations like these. It helps calm you down so we don't let our morale drop." He opened it and took a drink. "Ahhh, straight whiskey. With all those exotic drinks out there to make and try, I haven't had a plain shot of this stuff in a while. Want some?" At first she didn't know what to do, but then her inner longing to be accepted moved her to jerk it out of his hand and down a large amount. She sat there for a moment, as if in a trance. Then she looked down at it and handed it back. "Well?", he asked, amused. "I don't know what to think. My instincts tell me it was not good, but then you really liked it so maybe my tastebuds are not functioning properly." She felt as though she was on the verge of remembering something about herself, something very important, but it did not surface. He chuckled at the oddity of the statement, inwardly puzzled at what she meant, "Well, it may be a while before you can get to a sickbay to get them 'tuned up!'" She looked at him with a weird, almost cold expression, then took another drink. Mull was confused. Why wasn't Elea back yet? He asked Captain Mason. Mason didn't know why either. "Mason to Syxx. Is Elea still there?" "No, sir, she left two hours ago. Has she not returned?" "No. Computer, locate Lieutenant Elea." "Lieutenant Elea is not on board." Alarms went off in Mason's head, "Computer, are there any others missing?" "Civilian Sasha Stroh."