Stardate 52067.2 Beeg was sitting at a console, typing madly into it and cursing lightly. A security officer came up and before the officer could say anything, Beeg spun around and said, "Make your report." The officer reported that all was within order. Beeg went back to typing and started thinking about home, about the fact that there were no female Pinx on board, and about how he missed his past love. Maybe this program would help. A Klingon woman would be the best possible replacement for a Pinx female, and even they may not survive mating with a Pinx. No other species knew of the mating ritual of the Pinx, because it was so sacred. It was as guarded a secret as their weapons technology, of which only bits and pieces were shared with the Federation. Beeg continued feverishly programming the holodeck simulation. Here we go, he thought, this one will work nicely. She will be perfect. Maybe she will keep me occupied until a Pinx female joins our crew. Just then, Enoz walked in. Beeg stopped typing when he saw her and sat up in his chair. "I hope I'm not interrupting, Chief," Enoz said. "No, you're not," Beeg replied, trying not to show how agitated he was in front of a superior officer. However, even if his face didn't show it he was afraid his eyes would. "What can I do for you?", he asked. "We don't really know each other that well and I am curious about your culture. Very little has been documented even by unfriendly standards, probably because your race has been so secretive for most of its history." "Hmm, I was wondering when your interest would disturb you enough to come over and talk about it. Just be aware that there are some things no Pinx is allowed to disclose to an outsider." "I wanted to ask about the maturation of your species and longevity of them, I mean your life's rights of passages. Someone said that even though you're nearly 80, you are still a 'youth' of your species." "That is true. I am a young male for my species, and we are very long lived. I am just now old enough to father children. The female carries them for one year, and then gives birth, which is a very special ritual. A large celebration is held the next day. Though I know you are interested in it, I cannot discuss the mating ritual. That is the most guarded secret in our culture."