A shuttlecraft approaches the Equinox around the time Danad was being attacked by the Borg. A Starfleet Ensign, on board the shuttle, hailed the ship and got no response. The Lieutenant shifted in his seat restlessly. "Here," he said. "let me take a look at something." The Ensign obliged. lieutenant Keogh (not related to the captain of the Odyssey, that was a bit of miscommunication between me and the owner of this site, i got keogh from a brian lumley novel) reached over to his computer terminal and tapped a few commands into his terminal. "What?" he muttered. "That can't be right. Ensign, run a full sensor sweep, and a Level 1 diagnostic on the Equinox. There's GOT to be something wrong here." "Yes, sir." The sweep was run,and the answers came up. No lifeforms aboard the Equinox. Cause: Unknown "Computer," said keogh, "Do we have any biohazard suits on this shuttle?" "Affirmative there are three biohazard prevention suits with..." "That will be enough thank you. Where are they?" "The biohazard suits are ......" 20 minutes later, aboard the Equinox: "So ensign, what do you think of THIS trip? kinda interesting, in a morbid kinda of way isn't it?" "Yes, sir. Somewhat disturbing." "Yeah, I kinda felt that to. Kinda eerie when it seems like an entire ship is dead." "Very unnerving sir." "let's get to the bridge" On the bridge: "I have no access to the sensor logs sir." "Maybe they were damaged in whatever caused this" returned Keogh. "Sir, apparently deck, 24, is damaged severely. I am initiated autorepairs, but I don't think it is going to do much this late in the game." "Any and everything counts, ensign, your efforts will be noted. Now, to those sensor logs." Steve Keogh proceeds to spnd the better part of an hour hacking into the Equinox's sensor systems, only to find that the logs were indeed damaged beyond retrieval. "Oh, fudge." "What sir?" "Um, nothing, keep working ensign, I'll fix, i mean, um, oh crap. nevermind me, i just messed something up with the autodestruct. i'll fix it, don't worry." "Um, sir,the computer says there's nothing wrong with the autodestruct." "That's what I messed up." "oh." 20 minutes of desperate hacking later, Lt. Keogh fixes his dire mistake with about 3 seconds to go before he blew up his new ship. "Damn, I am never EVER messing in that area of the ship again, unless under a direct order. geez, you think'd i'd have learned after my FIRST..... but that's another story."