While back on the ship, The fake Captain Mason was facing an interesting dilemna. The Pinx fighter squadron had decloaked and were scanning the planet for signs of Jem'Hadar activity in the area, because of increased security. "Mason" called on the comm, "Why didn't we know that the Pinx were here?" From engeneering, Lenoz replied, "Sir, it's because the Pinx use a repulse engine on their ships in which the deflector dish is in the back of the ship. They also have a very complicated cloaking device." While this was occuring the alien imposter did not realize that the real Mason and the rest of the away team, including Beeg who was informed of the happenings and the fake Captain Mason, had all beamed off the planet to sickbay. While there, the EMH announced he was going to need to find Etely's arm and to try to reattach it, but needed to stop the bleeding before that could happen. He was asking the others to help because she was in critical condition. Beeg called for a security team to meet him on deck 13 to brief some new information and to free Elea because the real captain was on the ship now. Beeg and Mason met the security team and they got on the turbolift and went to the bridge. While on theree way he did a scan to show that Mason was really Mason and then while on the bridge he confronted the imposter at the captains chair and called him a "qevwgstlnoingmething" The universal translator did not translate the phrase maybe the dampening field was having residual effects on some equipment. Then almost quicker than you could sayoh crap the imposter drew a phaser then you see Beeg pull a dagger from out of nowhere and slice the imposters hand that held the phaser and it did not bleed it made a puddle of goo. then we find out that he is being transported to space by SyxxWho called to the captain I will accept what ever punnishment you have for me I just could not let him get away with whatever he was planning on doing. EMH calls to the bridge asking where Etlys arm is and Beeg replys that it was un able to be recovered it was destroid when it got blasted off. Beeg then says that the ships on the view screen are pinx fighters and that he recognizes the Insignia on the one closesd and that they must be on a minor mission and asks permission to communicate with the ships. Mason grants and a line is opened they are greeted in the way of most Pinx and flash through an aray of eye colors and ask if threre has been any sign of jemhdar fighters. Beeg asks th other members of staff because they had been gone on the surface so long. and the answer is no, though they had two changlins onboard which were remidied. Can you please explain why your vessiles have no ion trail and you did not show up on the sensors? That is because we use another technology no other races have tried and that is a repulse engine and have a verysophisticated cloaking device. Oh dont try any other tricks such as tachions either those dont isrupt our cloaks and we dont emit them where we are. Why do you think very few races see us much we are good at what we develope and trade weapons. What will happen to the person impersonating Mason Well states Enoz who is walking in to the Bridge they are shall we say spread pretty thin and not likely to do anything in effect he is dead. But we still dont know why they would do anything to this ship we are so far away and the Pinx are trying to locate the Jemadar