Stardate 52056.0 Enoz awoke stiffly on the deck. She had been sleeping in the cockpit of the runabout Volga. Rising to her feet, she stumbled to the replicator. The science officer ordered a cup of Jurismocha Tea. "Computer, time." "The time is 0457." Sighing, she slumped into the portside helm chair. A sonic shower was out of the question for now. There were a half dozen Oblok sleeping in the personnel unit in the back. The Volga was speeding towards her home Wardyssian system. Enoz sipped her tea, gazing at Horx, who was curled up in the starboard chair, cradling a miniature phaser rifle. He was the only other person who slept in the foward cabin at night, half in his warriors' respect, half in some chivalrous need to 'protect' the 'prophet' Enoz. She shook her head chuckling, wishing she could talk to someone and tell them about what an odd situation she was in. She sipped more tea, but the heat surprised her and she spilled some on her uniform. Gazing down at the insignia, something occurred to her. "Computer," she whispered, "how long has it been since my last personal log entry?" "6 days." "Thank you. Open personal log please....Oblokoni'Slyt Enoz, personal log, stardate 5-oh who cares, that's recorded automatically. My third eye is still damaged. The EMH told me it is healable, but needed specialized attention which he couldn't provide, so I'm currently on medical leave. "I wish I didn't have this break, but Sickbay did have it's hands full. This war is really messing things up. One of the new nurses was just starting his third year of Biochemistry at the Academy but got bumped into field duty to make room for accelerated real medical personnel back on Earth. So many new faces...Anyway, he gave Bruder the wrong dosage of a stimulant. "Whatever it was, she was having serious hallucinations. Kept screaming the name Philip Emerson. The EMH checked the records. All Philip Emersons in the fleet are MIA or dead, not a big shock...but I do feel sorry for that poor Ensign. The worst things happen to her. I guess after her parents dying and being infected with alien technology, she'll handle losing an arm just fine. She was in mental shambles when I left, although she probably won't remember any of it. "Enough about her. I talked to Zenoz and Lenoz before I left and told them everything. I was hoping they'd accompany me home so we could talk things over, but they refused. I didn't even think about bringing Syxx along. He was in the middle of repairs from the recent battle and subspace waves. So, I thought I'd be coming home alone, but I was wrong." Enoz paused, gazing at Horx. "I guess I was right and wrong. I went to the bridge to request a shuttle. Mason asked me to bring along Horx and some of his warriors. He was concerned about cultural contamination from the Changeling. The best we were able to tell, all the other villages down there knew nothing of interstellar travel, save Preserver oriented legends. "The Equinox has got several things to take care of and my transporting the villagers to Wardyssia relieves them of one of them. The priests there will be able to make sure this incident doesn't damage Oblok development. Starfleet decided since Oblokon is not a Federation world, and the Oblok are our descendants, that the Prime Directive did not apply enough for memory wipes to be needed, so long as the 'correction' was done by us. "It was kind of a hasty decision, but with the war, I can't blame them. I needed something big to bring along my short friends and the captain wanted to save space, so I'm using the runabout the Changeling who hurt me stole. We've been on course for Wardyss for five days." Horx now stirred aside her, eyes squinting and gleaming at the half meter long phaser rifle in his hands. He looked up at Enoz and grinned, which she returned with a motherly wink. She bade him good morning in the Oblok dialect and continued her log in Federation standard. "I'm glad Starfleet decided the Prime Directive didn't quite apply. Getting Horx and five dozen of his troops aboard was quite an ordeal. Calming them down was even worse. When I had finally explained to them the concepts of star travel and the war and everything else they had seen, they demanded the right to defend themselves and their world. "I ran through the arms manifest and found a Federation issue phaser designed for the Kermpaqs, whose average height isn't much greater than the Oblok. I gave each of Horx's men a weapon locked on stun. They've been practicing in a makeshift holodeck I made in the mess chamber, and on each other sometimes. I just hope they'll let go of them on Wardyss." Before she was born, multiple races in her home trinary system had achieved interplanetary flight nearly simultaneously. Several races had previously communicated, but hostilities were almost inevitable...the Troubles. They were at their worst when she grew up, ruthless genocide and bombardment, incommensurable crimes for no reason other than coincidence. When one of the few astronomers left had announced a rogue planetoid had drifted into the system, every religion of every race seized the chance. The class k rock got caught in the gravitational center of the three suns and was warmed enough to become class l. It was barely habitable, but many fled there, declaring it a paradise. All weapons brought were stored in orbit. A commission was elected and they named the planet Wardyss, and the systems Wardyssian. It was a small interracial agreement, but it was the first and one that eventually lead to peace talks and an end to the Troubles. Since, Wardyss had remained an arms free planet but had become holy ground to all three subsystems. It was there that Enoz hoped there would be the chance for Horx and his others to cope. A sensor panel began beeping incessantly. She turned to the helm, habitually saying "We're approaching Wardyssia-" Enoz stared at the screen in disbelief. A hundred Dominion vessels were in the system. Not attacking it, but occupying it. She slumped back in the seat, stunned. Wardyssia wasn't a Federation member, or even an ally. Then Enoz remembered. A Vorta 'diplomat' had visited the system last week. Anti-Dominion factions from the Flink world made sure he didn't leave in one piece. Snapping out of her shock, she quickly changed course. Horx tugged on her sleeve. "Enoz, we are not running are we? Do you not see what we must do?" "I'm a Starfleet officer, Horx. The Dominion is my enemy even if they had left my system alone. With only two eyes, I do see, but how? We're only one runabout, they've got a hundred ships. And three systems, where do we start?" "When my clan is outnumbered by another, we do two things." said Horx. "What's that?" muttered Enoz, doubting he could help. "First, we grab every weapon and soldier we have available." he said smiling, sharing her feeling of desperation. She blinked, nodding. "Second, we attack the smallest village they have." An idea sprung on Enoz and she quickly began checking sensor readings. She was actually encouraged at what the computer told her. The Dominion had beamed down a lot of troops to the various worlds, but left ships only in order to defend the system. The ground forces were on their own. Checking for any 'weak' point in the fleet deployment, she found only one ship orbiting Wardyss itself. Pacifist as it was, and in the center of the system, all the ships were elsewhere. Enoz struggled, not caring to remember what she had handed in when she joined the pacifist movement, but she needed her old 'toys' now, more than ever. She bit her lip, and then laid in a course for Wardyss. Trinary systems always had three stars in close proximity, leaving intersectional veins of gravitation arcing towards the center. Enoz piloted the runabout along one of them to get as close as possible to Wardyss without attracting attention. As the craft followed the course, she went took Horx's rifle and removed the stun settings, showing him how to do it as he would tell his men what they were soon to be doing.... *************************** Stardate 52056.3 Two hours later, on the verge of emerging from the gravitational vein that had shielded the runabouts approach to Wardyss, Enoz ran one last scan. There was still one lone Jem-Hadar cruiser in orbit. She had to take it out before they could dock with the heavily shielded asteroid holding the biological weapons she wanted. Clearing the vein, she gunned the runabout to full impulse right for the cruiser. It had barely noticed her when she fire a round of phasers and torpedoes. The Jem-Hadar shields had raised enough to absorb the torpedos, but the phaser blasts blew a nacelle off the ship. Enoz engaged a tractor beam and yanked the cruiser at high warp. She laid in a course for the closest of the three stars and broke off course and the beam a half second later. The nearly functional cruiser had no time to respond as it went into the sun at warp speed and exploded. Horx and his gathered men cheered as she swung the runabout back around to the asteroid. Other Jem'Hadar cruisers were on course for them, but it would be too late. She pulled the runabout into a docking port as the Oblok pressed at the hatch, eager to battle the dozen Jem'Hadar and a Vorta she had scanned in the depot. Horx had asked what she needed in there, and she had simply said 'magic'. In truth, she wanted a canister of viruses to release on Wardyss. Since the Troubles, every Wardyssian had been vaccinated against them-but the Jem'Hadar hadn't. Off-worlders were forbidden on Wardyss, so Enoz was unconcerned with murdering innocents. The penalty for trespassing was death anyway. She heard a bang on the hatch, which slid open a second later. A Jem'Hadar was standing right in front of Horx. In the second it took the bipedal reptile to look down upon his attackers, the chief jammed his rifle between the soldiers legs and fired off a pulse. The energy bolt traveled up Dominion clone's torso and exploded out of his head. As the body crumpled, the five dozen Oblok dumped out of the runabout and into the chamber firing wildly at everything. The commotion gave Enoz enough time to scan for her former canister and beam it into the atmosphere of Wardyss. Once done, she hefted a regular phaser rifle in each hand and headed out the hatch. She immediately stepped into a puddle of twenty Oblok. She gazed around and counted eleven dead Jem'Hadar corpses and only one live Oblok, Horx, who was panting heavily. The last Jem'Hadar deshrouded behind Horx and crushed him with one stomp. Enoz pulverized him, screaming, with both rifles in her arms. Breathing heavily, she sludged through the puddle of cloned and cousin corpses at her feet until she found the Vorta. He was ducking behind a crate of ammunition with an inventory panel. Enoz snatched the list from him and started wading back to the runabout. The Vorta stood to his feet. "You're not going to take me prisoner or interrogate me? You Starfleet officers are softer than I was told." Without saying a word, Enoz spun and fired a shot at the crate beside him. It exploded, vaporizing him. Once in the runabout, she checked to the scanners. The viruses were spreading on Wardyss, it would soon be free of Jem'Hadar. Enoz hoped that planet could somehow rally all the planets. Five Dominion cruisers were on their way. She would more than likely be dead in a minute, and she had never felt more alone....