Well Ming went into Remans quarters with two security officers and searched the quarters. Meanwhile Reman was still in his shop being questioned by Beeg with a holoprojector a nice toy of Beegs from Pinx. Reman was denying everything then Ming called Beeg I found your pad, and a picture and oh MY GOD, "What Ming what did you find?" Ming to Capt. Mason come to Remans quarters you need to see this. Capt. We have a situation." Mason went to the quarters and had a look and saw a small alien being caged with a small control device around the aliens neck. Mason now knew what was going on. He called for Beeg to arrive that he would be needed to explain what the findings were that he had about the beams and finding the invisible aliens. He also would be required to be present as the security officer while the questioning was going on with Reman. "Reman" Beeg stated "I will make a deal with you, I will drop the listed charges against you and you will be under constant survileance and if anything turns up missing even if you are not involved you will face trial and sentence. Right now though we have other matters at hand I will give you a couple days to think it over in the brig per Mings suggestion." Well it appears that we have made more visible, He was also a appearing to struggle against the forcefield that held him in place. In moments Beeg was sending the information around to various people in engineering to look at and try to finish the "puzzle" he had started and could not quiet finish especially since the first idea he had would not be feasible. To put all of the crew in one part of the ship and seal the door and to then open a hatch and allow the others to be sucked into space. The idea may work but if it didn't it would be a long time before the ship would be inhabitable. One thing still puzzled him and that is who and where did that little alien come from how did she fit in the picture. Well now was not the time. He had a whole lot of paper work to start on now that he had his pad to work from. He just could not work at a terminal. It bothrerd him to be confined to one place just too much. When he was out he would need to spend a lot of time in the holodeck to practice and make up for lost time in his rigerous training sessions. Beeg was still puzzled at what was wrong it was protocol didn't you always follow protocol for a situation, when the ship is at risk. Well I can dwell on that later now lets work on the problem at hand. Ming was back on the bridge taking her "watch" as Beeg once called it while talking though he was not one to talk much he always seemed to be working she remembered. I wonder what makes him tick he is so pride oriented and has to do it just right. she thought to herself. I wish I could be that mechanical sometimes though I would be in the same perdicament just a different reason. Mason went up to the Officers lounge to look out the portals and try and clear his thoughts on so many things in the past few weeks. He and his crew have seen so much for being so far from the front. Well it just has to get better thats all there is to it. Well I guess we did get one thing taken care of it won't be long before Hindman is out of sickbay and well again.