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Hey Welcome! How much do you really know about this cool boy group teast your knowledge and find out if you are a 5ive whiz.

1. What's J's middle name?
a. David
b. Paul
c. Timothy
d. Hilary

2. Abs recently bought a pair of contact lenses. What was unusual about them?
a. they made his eyes look like a tiger's
b. they made his eyes look like a snake's
c. they made his eyes look like an alien's
d. they made his eyes look like he'd been punched

3. Which superstar songstress does Ritchie reckon is never off his Walkman?
a. Barbara Streisand
b. Diana Ross
c. Celine Dion
d. Shirley Bassey

4. Scott's nickname used to be Spider. Why?
a. because of his spider-like legs
b. because of his spider-like hands
c. because of his spider-like walk
d. because he eats flies

5. Finish this funky line from Everybody Get Up. "I'll be the resident president, I'm..."
a. the real element
b. the 5th element
c. the Five element
d. a bag of cement

6. The young Sean won a top music competition when he was just 13. What was it?
a. Yamaha Young Composer competition
b. Eurovision Song Contest
c. Choir boy of the Year
d.Stars In Their Eyes

7. How tall do you reckon J is?
a. 5 feet exactly
b. 5 feet 10 inches
c. 6 feet exactly
d.6 feet 10 inches

8. Which famous school did Scott go to?
a. Eton Public School
b. The Brits Performing Arts School
c. Silvia Young Theatre School
d. Grange Hill Comprehensive School

9. What's Ritchie's fave thing to drink?
a. a piping hot cappuccino
b. a nice sparkling mineral water
c. an ice cold diet Pepsi
d.a small sweet sherry

10. "Give me a moment before you go/There's something you ought to know". Sloppy lines from...
a. My Song
b. That's What You Told Me
c. Until The Time Is Through
d. Sean's old school book

11. Abs is going steady with which actress from a top soap?
a. Patsy Palmer from EastEnders
b. Tiffany Chapman from Brookside
c. Danielle Brent from Hollyoaks
d. Barbara Knox from Coronation Street

12. At his audition for 5ive, Sean sang a song he'd written himself. What was it?
a. Dream Dream
b. Dream Land
c. Dream Girl
d. Dream Cardigan 

13. We all know the boys shared a house when they first formed the band, but where was it?
a. Camberly in Surrey
b. Bloxwich in West Midlands
c. Warrington in Cheshire
d. York in er, Yorkshire

14. How much does Scott reckon his monthly mobile telephone bill comes to?
a. £ 1,350
b. £ 135
c. £ 13.50
d. £ 1.35

15. What's the end of this line from When The Lights Go Out. "Girl don't deny the way you feel/ You know you've...
a. gotta do it
b. gotta trust me
c. gotta love me
d.gotta go to the loo

16. What was the first single Ritchie bought?
a. Rent by the Pet Shop Boys
b. Winner Takes It All by Abba
c. Save All Your Kisses For Me by Brotherhood Of Man
d. Mistletoe and Wine by Cliff Richard

17. The boys first single Slam Dunk Da Funk went straight into the charts at what number?
a. 1
b. 5
c. 10
d. 79

18. How old will Abs be in the year 2000?
a. 19
b. 21
c. 52

19. What nationality is Abs' Dad?
a. Swedish
b. French
c. Turkish
d. Welsh

20. What's the first line of Got The Feelin'?
a. Here we go with the beats
b. Here we go with the feelin'
c. Here we go with the bumps
d. Here we go with the sheep

21. Where was 5ive first ever live performance?
a. The Radio One Roadshow
b. The Big Breakfast
c. Top Of The Pops
d. The Des O'Connor Show

22. Which member of 5ive once appeared in T.V. show Casualty?
a. Abs
b. J
c. Scott
d. All of them 

23. On which of these dates was Scott born?
a. September 22
b. November 22
c. December 22
d. April 1 

24. Ritchie grew up in a pub in Bromsgrove. What was it called?
a. The Old Mill
b. The Pepper Mill
c. The Crab Mill
d. The Pebble Mill 

25. How many times do the 5ive fellas sing 'slam' in the chorus of Slam Dunk Da Funk?
a. 6
b. 4
c. 2
d. 400

Now check your results here!!! 

1b, 2a, 3c, 4a, 5b, 6a, 7b, 8c, 9a, 10c, 11c, 12c, 13a, 14b, 15b, 16a, 17c, 18b, 19c, 20a, 21a, 22c, 23b, 24b, 25b.

If you've scored nine or less...
You get a double F (FF FAILURE!!) for 5ive Failure! What a shambles! Do you actually know who Five are?

If you've scored between 10 and 17...
Hmmm, not bad. Clearly you do know your Abs form your elbow - but you're not quite the 5ive fanatic you should be. Get a friend to test you until you're perfect.

If you've scored 18 or more...
Heaven's above, you must live, eat and breathe the boys better know as Five! There's hardly a thing you don't know about those musical lads - you probably even know where they are this very minute! Hang on a minute... are you sure your name's not Scott?