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WELCOME to Peder's 5ive Webpage!
Please visit our sponsor by clicking the banner on the top of the page to keep this site free!

LAST UPDATED - 27th January 2002 - Sorry for not updating in 1 1/2 years.

But... i have had lots of school work, and have actually developed
other tastes in music compared to back in 1998-2000. If there is anybody
interested in maintaining the site, like updating news or pics ... etc.
Please contact me with the Subject: Peder's 5ive Webpage
In the mean time, have fun and keep coming back. There should be some revolutionary updates in the next few months.

If you have any feed back, complaints or comments about theis webpage, please don't hesitate to email me
Enjoy the page!

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©1998-2000 Peder's Five Webpage! 99% of the stuff on this web site is made and created by me unless otherwise stated (the pictures ofcourse i didn't shoot personally.) Note that this site was NOT made by Five or anybody who knows them. I am just a fan! and I love making web sites!Here is the * Privacy * statement.