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3 minutes (listen)

i could cry right now but you would all ask what is wrong with me. and i wouldn't be able to answer you because i don't know what is wrong...or maybe it's just that everything is wrong. and if i am fooled into thinking that you actually care, then i would be opening myself for the wrong reasons and you would perhaps listen for 3 minutes and then stop, becoming completely occupied with something else. 3 minutes is not a long time. you listen to songs intently that are twice or even 3 times as long, but the singer isn't even speaking to you. you think he is trying to send you a message...that his music means so much just to you...but he doesn't give a shit about you. he writes songs meaninglessly and endlessly just to get your money. and you'll listen to him say the same things over and over again for hours on end but you won't sit here and listen to me for 3 minutes...the time it takes to cook a pot of coffee. when was the last time you sat down with someone over a cup of coffee and just listened? you're too preoccupied with yourself to even remember and if by some miracle you do remember, vaguely, you probably only listened for 3 minutes...before you started babbling on about how pitiful you are and how shitty your life is. you don't even remember anything that was said in that first 3 minutes. you're so self-centered. i could read my favorite poem in 3 minutes or play mozart's alla turca in 3 but would you listen? or would you simply daydream of yourself and say "bravo! bravo!" after 3 minutes? it hasn't even taken me 3 minutes to say this to you but you're already gone...



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