1. In what form Aj have made do his pool?
a- In dog
b- In guitare
c- In car
2. How many tattous Aj wanted? and why?
a- Just one, the letters BSB on his.
b- 5, one for each boys.
c- No limits, he want have enough for hide all his arms
3. What food is, his speciality?
a- spaguetti
b- chicken
c- hot-dogs
4- Who is, his idol?
a- His father
b- Kevin Richardson
c- His uncle
5- What Aj wanted have, but that his mother really didn't want?
a- A motocycle
b- A third tattous
d- A snake
6- What age Aj had when his parents got divorce?
a- 5 years old
b- 4 years old
c- 6 years old
7- What cost Aj have already pay for sunglasse?
a- 425$
b- 560$
c- 550$
8- What is his project for the future?
a- Do a solo carrier
b- Have a family
c- Finish his college
9- Of what dead his girlfriend when he had 14 years old?
a- A cancer
b- An avion accident
c- A car accident
1. b
2. b, but he said that he will not resist to an other.
3. a
4. c
5. b
6. a
7. b
8. c
9. c