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So ya. Hi!!! Dana here, saying greetings and salutations to everyone having nothing better to do but read my bio. Um...let's see where to start. Well, it all started out in August 10, 1982 (my birthday, for those of who who haven't realized that already). I was born, and still live, in L.A., California, along with Lori (HyperChica) who just happens to live ten feet away from me, tee-hee.

Okay, switching subjects, things I love: singing (or trying to), playing the piano, drawing, writing, reading (yes, those two), THE X-FILES, going online, and...I know I'm missing something. Oh! Duh! THE BACKSTREET BOYS!!! Yup yup. I'd have to says that my favs are Nick and Kev (in no particular order). But heck! AJ and Howie and Brian! I love 'em all!

N-e-howie...I've got my share of fav songs ("Back to Your Heart") and vids ("Everybody (Backstreet's Back)"). But I'll always hold "I Want it That way" close to my heart *sniff sniff* considering the fact that I was in the vid, with Lori (*ahem* you can thank me later).

Before I end this, I have a few shout outs and stuff. To Missy, for all those slaps I needed when my minds goes too deep into thought about David Duchovny's nail biting...or Nick's smile...or Kev's eyes...and ya. Oh, and to Renee. For keeping me faithful even while at school. And for allowing me to vent about any and every bit of BSB excitement I hold in me, ready to explode. To Lori-head. Thanx for being the great Father you are and sitting down with me that one beautiful October evening and introducing me to the wonderful world of The Backstreet Boys. I wouldn't be where I am without ya! To the Chicas! Thanks for having me here! *sniff sniff*

Okay! I'll leave you be now. Thanks for reading this long bio. See ya! And KTBSPA!!!


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