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Hi! Hi! Hello! Hello! Hello!

Well, my name is Marita and I L-O-V-E the Backstreet Boys. Especially Brian B-Rok Thomas Littrell! Lemme tell you 'bout myself.

I am 14 years old, and I live in TX. I'm in the 8th grade wi my best bud Jocelynn Pena, A.K.A. Jossie, A.K.A. B-RokChica. WE both are dead in love with BSB and Brian but I've loved him and them way longer! *laughs and points @ Jossie* Lemme see.......

My favorite sports are basketball,swimming, and soccer. One thing Jossie and I do alot, is play basketball. I'm better than her! * laughs and points @ Jossie again*

I love eating mac~n~cheese, pasta, and pizza, CHEESE PIZZA! *laughs with Brian*

I think the best living thing or person is uh,um,er, BRIAN THOMAS LITTRELL!!!!!

I also adore cats, and I was gonna get a female and name her Missy, but I got a male and named him Mikey. But hey, Mikey and MIssy can always callaborate! *LOL*

Okay, you still there?! *nudges you and watches you fall over* Well, I guess about it. I spilled the beans!! I cut the cheese. NOT PHYSICALLY! *LOL* Rok on BSB fans, Marita A.K.A. BrianChica*


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