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Greetings fellow Backstreet Fans! SweetChica here! Let's see, so ya want to know a little bit about me eh? Well for starters my real name's Chrissy. I live in Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh to be exact. (Exciting isn't it? *L*) Anyways, I just turned 20 on March 5th, yes I'm THAT old and I LOVE BSB! So ;Þ nah nah! Let's see I'm also in college, yay a higher learning Chica! *ggls and speaks in a hillbillie voice* I'm gots me some edumication! ^^ hehe!

In case you couldn't tell, I have a off the wall sense of humor, and I'm hardly ever serious, just ask KaosChica! She'll tell ya I'm always this goofy! But I LOVE to have fun w/ friends and family. That explains my sense of humor.

My fave Backstreet Boy is Howie D! What a cutie! *ggls* Especially, when he's in the water or shirtless! *blushes* Like you guys really needed to hear that huh? ^.^;;

Ahem, anyways...I'm not that into sports...I love to watch TV some of my fave shows are Buffy the Vampire Slayer South Park, Party of Five, and the X-Files. And I'm proud to say that I still watch cartoons! I LOVE japenese animation, three of my faves are: Sailor Moon, Tenchi, and Magic Knight Rayearth! Some of the stuff that I watch on Cartoon Network, is Cow & Chicken, Dexter's Lab, and the Powerpuff Girls. (:Þ Cartoons kick butt!) musical taste ranges from a lot of stuff from BSB (of course), to Savage Garden, Jon Secada, Bush, and Musicals...I just love Musicals! *L* I also like hip hop and some other stuff as well, I just can't think of it right now. :)

*thinks some more* I like to do a lot in my spare time, but the net takes up most of it. I love chatting on AIM (Aol Instant Messenger), Icq, and certain chat rooms. I also am a writer, I LOVE to write! I just finished my first BSB Fan Fic w/ my good bud and fellow Chica..KaosChica. *grins* I'm closest to her out of the whole group considering she's the one who got me into the BSB Chicas and I'm gettin to know the others. But, I have a feeling all of us Chicas will get along nicely. :)

Well, that's about it from me! Hope ya learned something, if not it's not my fault! *lol* And feel free to email me if ya like! I LOVE hearin from peeps! :)

Later y'all!

Keep the BSB Pride Alive!


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