Site Changes!
Hey! This is Meagan. Our goal is to have this site updated, and new before summer's over, so it shouldn't be too long before we are done! Okay, you can Email us at our e-mail addresses. Hope to hear from you soon! Peace out, Meagan.
Changes! Changes! Changes!
We are soo sorry to be so behind in updating!
But we are trying our hardest to pull
ourselves together and update and change around the site!
Since your input means a lot to us, please feel free to email us
at backstreetfetish@angelfire.com with any suggestions, news, or pix!
Site Fight 2000!
Okay guys, as you know the Site Fight of '99 was an exciting one!
Some of you have already emailed us and asked for a year 2000 one and we are now
about to launch into that project! So please, if you would like to join the fight
this year, email us at backstreetfetish@angelfire.com
Congrats to Kevin!
As you have all probably heard by now (if not, I don't know
where you've been!) but Kevin is now a married man!
Meagan and I would like to wish him the best of wishes!! CONGRATS!!!!
~Backstreet Biographies~**Meagan's News**~Picture Perfect~
Sing-Along Lyrics~Where Are They Now?
~Quote, Unquote~FAQ ~Odd Facts~Links~
~Backstreet Poll~Backstreet Survey~Penpals~
~Fan of the Month~What Would You Do?~What Are They Thinking?~
Backstreet Quizzes~Backstreet Boys Chat
~Backstreet Fetish Birthdays~He Loves...~You Know You're A Backstreet Fan When...~
World's Cuties~Backstreet Fetish Original Site Fight '99
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Win Our Award~ Awards We've Won
~Our Thanks~ All About Us~More Coming Soon!!~
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