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All About Backstreet Boys

*Quote: "One time we did a show with them. I don't know whether they were busy or whatever, but, well, I was brought up to be nice to everyone." NICK CARTER of the Backstreet Boys, telling New York's Daily News of a less-than-friendly encounter with Hanson. **Quote: "I'll tell you one thing," he says when the inevitable "boyband" subject is broached. "We've been together for six years. We've done almost ten tours. So of course it kind of makes me upset to see that we're competing with 'N Sync at this level, because really I feel we're at a higher level, maturity-wise."

Pick A Hunk

Kevin Scott Richardson
Howard Dwaine Dorough
Brian Thomas Littrell
Alexander James McLean
Nicholas Gene Carter
Backstreet Boys
Aaron Charles Carter
