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Ashley Danielle Johnston

I love the Backstreet Boys, as you can see! I have been to two BSB concerts, the second I got backstage passes, (which had no point). The people who worked backstage were leaving and they gave my friends and I the passes, the boys were gone by that time. They also gave us these T-shirts which said Backstreet Boys Local Crew on them. The managers give these shirts to people who work backstage at whatever city they are in. There are 46 now in Toronto and 4 in London. This one guy walked up to my friend and said here is the Set List, I found it on the ground. It was the set plan for the second concert without AJ and wrote down beside the names of the songs were who would be singing instead of AJ. My mom photo-copied it for my other friend and I. I have been to see Aaron Carter in concert at a dance club in my city (London Ontario), you can read about it in the Aaron Encounter section. I am taking voice lessons, I'm in the junior choir at Clarke Road S.S., and I won a talent show with a dance that I helped choreograph with four other friends, "Evertbody, Backstreet's Back" (I was the lead dancer and I had to teach 2 of the girls the whole dance) and my goal right now is to make a demo tape. I love to play Basketball, I was even on my school's basketball team and I was the captain. I am 15 and in grade 9.

Concerts attended

-My brother Chris and I
-Just about to leave for grad
-My best friend for almost 10 yrs. Ashley Taylor and I
-My friend Stacy and I
-Chris, me holding my second cousin Andrew and his older sister Rachel on the horse
-My birthday party
