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Anyone that wishes to be a DM must meet the guidelines and rules listed below.

1. Must be a Member of a Recognized Clan or a Well known person. (ie:Respected)
2. You must pass the test for DM status. (Note: being a DM does not give you more hit lines or special priviledges. It means you earned the right to judge because you are a Fair and and Respected person. Being a DM is a job! If you do not want to work do not bother applying.)
3. Must judge a fight fairly whether you believe it should be fought over or not. You are a DM to judge fights. You can not pick and choose what fights you want to DM. If there is a fight, as a DM you will judge it fairly and by the rules.
4. Judging of a fellow clan member is prohibited unless no other DMs are present. This is not to say anyone would cheat for their friends. This is only to accomadate those few people that would say such stupid things as the DM cheated because he is same clan as the DM. Sadly enough those words are often. (If a DM is caught cheating for a friend or family member their DM title will be stripped.)
5. There must be 2 DMs present at all fights and both must confirm the Kill.
6. Hits and Misses that are seen by both judging DMs screens count. (IF one DM sees a hit and the other a miss it is disregarded and voided).

Current List of Dungeon Masters








