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All of the clothes were made out of natural materials.

The clothes were made out of skins from the animals of the forest.

Capes, Robes, Skirts, Leggings, were all part of the clothing.

Moccasins were lined with rabbit fur to keep their feet warm in the winter.

The men wore breechclouts.

All the clothing was decorated with paint, porcupine quills, embroidery, or shell beads.

Long hair was admired, and it was greased to give added lustre.

A lot of the men plucked out some of their hair & also cut their hair into roaches or other distinctive styles.

Beads were often hung on clothing.



The masks were mostly used in ceremonies.

Along with the mask feathers were worn in their hair.

Other occasions mask were used for other then Ceremonies were birthdays.

Not everyone wore a mask.

Masks were also used to tell stories.

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