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The Eaatern Woodlands Indians were made up of Iroquian, Algonkian and Siouan families.

The majority of the people who lived there inhabited the more southerly regioons or the areas near seacoasts, lakes, rivers, and other water sources.

The division of the labour is relatively slight.

The Eastern Woodland Tribes contained Clans.

The Indian leaders were chiefs or sachems and that position was often inherited.

The Clans often had names that refer to an animal.

Enemies would often raid each others town.

The woman would used to clearland crops and it kept forests open.

The woman are a stabilizing force guaranteeing the community a supply of food from the plants.

The womans jobs were home and child care, tending to the crops and making the clothing and some of the clothes.

The mens jobs were to hunt, fish, build houses and go to war.

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