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SAPC Family and Friends

Handy reference list:
  1. Article
    1. Section
    2. Section
  2. Article
  3. Article
    1. Section
    2. Section
    3. Section
    4. Section
    5. Section
      1. Subsection
      2. Subsection
      3. Subsection
      4. Subsection
  4. Article
    1. Section
    2. Section
    3. Section
  5. Article
    1. Section
    2. Section
  6. Article
    1. Section
    2. Section
    3. Section

Article I: Name and Purpose

Section 1

The organization shall be known as Family and Friends and shall remain so for infinity or until the organization decides to alter the above stated name. Hereinafter the organization shall be refered to as “F&F.”

Section 2

The purpose of this organization shall be to educate the general campus community about the issues concerning the bisexual, gay and lesbian population, and to unite the bisexual, gay, lesbian and allied community in a setting which provides both support and social interaction for the community.

Article II: Membership

Membership shall be open to all regularly enrolled students, faculty, and staff of St. Andrews Presbyterian College (regardless of age, sex, national origin, race, sexual orientation, veteran or marital status and disability) who are interested in the issues pertaining to F&F. Membership grants the right to vote and hold elected office.

Article III: Officers

Section 1

The elected officers shall be members of an executive board which shall consist of two executive directors, an event coordinator, treasury coordinator, and a publicity coordinator (all of any sex), which may be a fifth member of the executive board or any one of the directors of the board may be assigned the duty according to group necessities.

Section 2

Board members will be elected prior to spring exams each year. Each executive board member will then have the right to remain in office for one year. If a member vacates office or is impeached a new member will be elected at the next official meeting with prior notice to all members and that member shall serve until the end of the year and then must be reelected juat as any member to continue service.

Section 3

An advisor from the faculty or staff who is familiar with the issues of F&F may be appointed at anytime during the year by either of the two executive directors for the purpose of helping to administrate the organization.

Section 4

The organization will keep a list of current members for the express purpose of contacting group members to keep them updated on events. The list will not be public domain and will not be distributed to anyone who is not on the executive board without express permission of those named on the list.

Section 5

The executive board members shall each fulfill the duties of their office as defined below.

Subsection 1: Exectutive Directors

The executive directors shall have the following duties:

  1. Supervise officers
  2. Supervise official F&F meetings and executive board meetings
  3. Coordinate functions for the organization
  4. Represent the organization on any occasion which requires representation
  5. Be responsible for keeping minutes and information for the organization

Subsection 2: Event Coordinator

The event coordinator if elected as a third member of the executive board shall have the following duties:

  1. Find speakers
  2. Organize programs
  3. Coordinate the organization of all events sponsored by the organization
  4. Other tasks assigned by the executive directors with the event coordinator’s consent

Subsection 3: The Treasury Coordinator

The treasury coordinator if elected as a fourth member of the executive board shall have the following duties:

  1. Keep an accurate record of all income and reciepts of all expendituresof the organization
  2. Be responsible for timely deposit of all income and payment of all bills
  3. Consult with advisor for approval of expenditures and revenues
  4. Organize and coordinate fundraisers
  5. Other task assigned by the exectutive directors with the treasury coordiantor’s consent

Subsection 4: The Publicity Coordinator

The publicity coordinator if elected as a fifth member of the executive board shall have the following duties:

  1. Announce organizational meetings and activities to the campus in general
  2. Promote regional and nationwide observances and events
  3. Organize the publication of a newsletter, if the executive board decides to do so
  4. Other tasks assigned by the executive board with the publicity coordinator’s consent

Article IV: Amendments and Overrides

Section 1

Amendments to the constitution shall be presented by members of the organization in writing and read at a regular meeting but shall not be voted upon until the next regular meeting. A majority of 2/3 of the voting members present shall be required to pass the amendment proposal.

Section 2

Any decision by an officer or committee may be overriden by 2/3 vote of the attending F&F membership.

Section 3

Any officer may be removed from office by a 2/3 vote of the attending F&F membership.

Article V. Meetings

Section 1

Regular meetings will be held bi-monthly during the school year. The organization members shall determine if additional meetings are desired or necessary to the functioning of the organization.

Section 2

Executive board meetings shall be held prior to each meeting, or at least once a month during the school year. If the executive directors deem necessary the meetings may be held as often as once a week, but not more than once a week. The meetings shall be held at a time convenient for all board members and attendance shall be required. All members of the organiztion are invited and encouraged to come to the meetings to voice their opinions and ideas.

Article VI: Committees

Section 1

The executive directors with the advice and consent of the members may create committees and appoint chairs to those commitees to meet specific needs of the organization.

Section 2

Chairs will be required to attend executive board meetings to keep the board informed on their activities.

Section 3

Special interest committees may be formed by groups of members with a common purpose or activity in mind which falls under the platform of the organization with the permission of the executive directors. At least one member of these committees must be appointed chair and report to the executive board meeting to make sure the activities using the name of the organization are in the best interest of the organization.