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JP 2 : Lost World Review

Jurassic Park 2 : The Lost World, My Review

RatingMy personal rating is "****", or in numbers a 3.9 .
SuggestionsThis movie was close to fake (except for the good graphics), mainly because the people thought T-Rex, Veloceraptors, and other carnivores actually hunted all the time. They really only hunted when they were hungry, or when they're offspring were hungry. I suggest it should be based more on that.
Brief Summary of the MovieFour people (A paleobotonist, photographer, video reporter, and of course, Ian Malcolm (From the previous movie). They were sent to the island with Ian's step-daughter (unexpectidly and accidentally) to take live photographs of the dinosaurs by John W. Hammond. They were suprized to see Iggen (the company previously working with Jurassic Park) joining them, but Iggen came to hunt douwn the dinosaurs, in other words, harm them. Both teams don't know the dangers that await later, they are in for a big suprise! I'll leave the rest for you to see in the theatre's.
Best Time I Saw ItWas at 'Mission Valley' near N. C. State in Digital Sound.