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What users are saying about it...


"This site is twice as good as mine." -- Bill Gates

"Ain't this hyere internet thang sumpin'?" -- Henry Kissinger

"HeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenReeeeeeeeeee!!! " -- Mrs.Kissinger

"Coming, mother!! " -- Henry Kissinger

"Well, let me say this about that..." -- the Republican Leadership


To view an aerial photo of yore part of the world,
Foller these hyere die-rections carefully,
On account o' if'n you don't,
Yore liable to jest break the whole danged internet.

Step 1. Find somebody who can read and have them read these die-rections to you.

Step 2. Enter yore Street Address below.


Step 3. Enter yore City below.


Step 4. Enter yore State below.


Step 5. Enter yore Zip Code below.


Step 6. Enter yore IQ below.

If you have a high IQ, enter it here:

If you have a low IQ, enter it here:


Step 7. Click on the spayshul button and wait 15 seconds.

Step 8. Click on the extry spayshul button and wait 15 more seconds.

Step 9. If nothing happens, and you have a low IQ,
repeat Steps 7 and 8 a few more times.

Otherwise, proceed to Step 10.

Step 10. Welp, looks like you done broke the spayshul buttons!
Aw raht, then just quit horsin' around and hit the link below
to go to the latest aerial photo frum space...
and try not to mess up anythang else.

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