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*Jade's Bio*

Name: Maria Isaryk
Age: 28
Location: North Carolina
Occupation: Retail Clerk
Pets: 5 cats, Ashleigh, Babes, Oreo, Autumn & Kit
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Favorite Color: Hunter Green
Collections: Country Geese
Favorite Quote: "Treat others how you would like to be treated"
Birthmarks: N/A
Future Plans: *Have at least two more children
*Go school to learn computer repair
*Specialize in Computer repair
Coolest Experience: Singing on stage for the first time
Worst Experience: Divorcing my daughter's Father
Who do you admire: My Mother
Pet Peevs: *People that do not act their age
*People that pick on any member of my family
*People that have the gaul to be a friend to your face, but clearly talk a bunch of CRAP behind your back
*People that doesnt have the integrity to tell a person how they really feel about them
Era you should have been born in: Old West
How long have you been chatting online: 3 1/2 years
Best thing to chat about: Anything!
Worst thing to chat about: The Weather lol!
Whats your marital status? Married (Happily)

*Jade's Bio*
*Army Brats*
*Jade's a Mommy*
*A Married Jade?*
*Its Love, Internet Style*
*Jade's Awards*
*Im Memory, My Grandmother* NEW