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Welcome! The recent episode will always be in this box to keep you going! If you missed one I'll start posting them on seperate pages! Thanks! Also go check in the New Pics of the Week! This recent week was from!


Hope you all got to catch Dawson's Creek last night! It was mainly about Joey's new mural in the school, and how it was wrecked. Pacey finds out who it is, gets in a fight, and is taken to the principal's office. Dawson, who is in the office now, tells principal Green it has to do with the mural, which is why they were fighting.

Joey finds out that Pacey was doing it because of that request Dawson made ealier about looking out for her, but who knows what else?!?!

Andie also confesses to Principal Green about cheating on the PSAT's when she finds out she made the top 50000 scores, WOW! She said she did it to convince people she's still the same person, not crazy.

Andie is "nominated" director of the play since the real director went out sick.. Pacey is dependant on Joey now since she helps him with his lines and puts him on ease. Before the play is to begin Joey is asked on on a date with the guy she met ealier on Campus Day at the university or college. I guess she makes it later at the play and Pacey's says his lines ok. The episode ends with Joey and Dawson watching the sunrise or sunset together.

Pacey sends out for a professional hotel observer for the NY Times! The Bed n Breakfast isn't completely done, and Joey is frantic, so everyone, Grams, Jen, jack, Andie, Dawson's Parents help out by pretending to be guest there! They share memories and the hotel person says this is one of the "warmest places I have ever been too." I guess they get the recommendation!

Dawson catches up with Nikki Green again, you may remember her from the time they went to visit at a college campus, she is also the daughter of the principal Mr. Green.

Andie is working with Pacey on a school play, and Jacks meets Ethan (the guy on the internet who he chickened out of meeting at the coffee shop last time), and don't forget about Jen and Henry who are also intrigued by each other.


Dawson, Joey, Andie and Jack get a taste of life outside Capeside when they spend a weekend at a prestigious Ivy League university in Boston. Dawson’s "Escape From Witch Island" is in the student film festival on campus, and he meets tough critics as well as the next female Tarantino. In a case of mistaken gender identity, Joey ends up with a male roommate who gives her a bitter taste of the college lifestyle. In turn, she gives him a healthy dose of life outside textbooks. Jack nervously checks out the Boston nightlife on his own. Ambitious Andie tries to get a jump on admissions, but encounters an enlightening obstacle.



While Pacey and Jen try unsuccessfully to ignite the flames of passion that sparked between them on Witch Island, Jack unexpectedly finds a romantic possibility on the internet. Things heat up when Dawson discovers a condom in his bedroom that Pacey seems to have left behind after an unannounced visit. This leads Dawson to jealously suspect that Pacey has something going on with Joey after he follows the pair to a ballroom dancing class. In fact, Joey, is simply trying to win college scholarship money from the dance school, and has drafted Pacey as her unwilling partner in exchange for math tutorials. Ultimately, each of these friends comes to learn that true passion can’t be forced, any more than learning to Tango can be a free ride to college..



On this episode of Dawson's Creek, there is a big surprise when Jen's mom returns home. Jen still doesn't know about her half-sister Eve Whitman. So when Grams invites everyone to a Thanksgiving Dinner, Dawson thinks it's his chance to confrant Jen's mom about Eve. When he does she says it's her her business and he is out of line.

Jen's mom does finally tell her and Jen gets very angry and storms out calling her mom unfeeling for her to send Jen to Capeside.

Anyway, Dawson's parents are finlly divorced, so it's final they are seperated. Later during the night Jen, Joey, Dawson, Paey, Andie, and Jack gather in a bon fire and talk like they use to.


This week on Dawson’s Creek (for those of you who didn’t watch it, on, you can get clips of the episode) Dawson doesn’t want to do a project for school, so instead he does a video of Witch Island, kind of like the Blair Witch project. So they go there while the boatman who took them there warns them about strange things happening. Later when they are in the Witch Island gift shop they learn how 13 witches were left on this island because the people feared them. They had 12 tombstones though, and legend has it that 1 of the witches was saved by her lover. (p) When they are about to go home, Jen and Pacey are somewhere in the woods, and they miss their ride back to Capeside. They end up spending the night, while Pacey and Jen are making out and decide to be horny sexual partners, just for the fun of it. Then all of a sudden the church starts shaking and a fire seems to start. In a few minutes it’s all gone, kind of like an illusion. They run back to the dock, find a boat and come home. Later during school, Dawson presents his tape and they see 2 strange figures at the dock, like seeing Joey, Pacey, Jen and Dawson off. Seems like the 2 lovers.


Last night was a bit of a shocker. First Pacey is spending more and more time at Joey's house to help make an extra room addition. Then Joey recieves an unexpected phone call saying something about Andie at Rob's house (joey's former boss). Shet tells Joey and Pacey that she and Rob where in his room making out when suddenly he forces her.....

Andie doesn't go the police right away instead just stays with Pacey and they are back together. She feels a little more confident, and then suddenly the next night Pacey breaks up with her again because when Andie slept with another man it ade Pacey feel that he wasn't "the one" for her. Andie blames everything on Joey, who she thinks told Pacey that Rob came to her house and told her he didn't do a thing and that Andie is lying. Jowy denies and says she trust Andie, but then realizes Andie was making it up the whole time about Rob and her to get Pacey back. Hmmmm.

On the other side of the creek, Jen helps throw a party which a former Capeside High Homecoming Queen does every year with the new HQ. Jen feels she was pushed into this and instead throws a party that shocks and surprises everyone! WOW! She also tells Henry that he's more of a friend, and he runs off crying! Ahhhh!


Hey! A lot of things have happened in this episode! I guess the main thing is that Dawson wants to find a little more of Ebe Whitman, or as she tells him. He wonders why she keeps disappearing and reappearing like that! So he goes to Capeside High to find information about her learning there has never been a Eve Whitman there. HE also went to the stripper joint where he first learned where Eve worked. There was no record of her either, hmmmmm.

Dawson thinks there is only one way to find out who Eve really is. So Dawson starts following her wherever she goes. He finally tracks her own to a near by yacht. He finds a picture of "her mother" as she says. Later, when Eve leaves, Dawson's give or sets up the air-conditioner for Grams. He sees the same exact picture in her room, Grams explains that that is her only daughter.... Weird isn't it?

Some other high lights were Joey gets fired from high boating job where she fills the gas, the boss says it's because she closed the store to soon to spy on him and Andie, but it was probably a personal problem. Jack also sets up a blind date for Jen, with the freshman quaterback Henry, she finds out and gets upset about it. But of course they make up!


Yes! Episode 3 of the season!

Andie is a little "wary" especially when thinking that somebody has found out what she has done in the last episode, which was cheat on the sat's! So when prinicpal Green ask her to talk to talk to her in his office on Monday, she gets all jumpy and starts practicing what she will say to him!

On the other side of school, Dawson gets a little news job to report some news from Capeside High to his mom's news station (or something like that). Dawson sees this as his big break and wants to tape Jack, on the football team and what's it like being gay. His father doesn't want this because he thinks it might make his team, well easy targets.

Anyway, Jens gets tired of being head cheer especially when they auction her off for 500 dollars for a kiss to some unknown person. She can't refuse espcially when the money is going to local orphans.

She later finds out it's the head quaterback who is also a freshman! And at the end she is elected Homecoming Queen (YIKES) and Pacey buys a new (well new to him) boat. And By the way, Principal Green just wanted Andie to be the leader of a new club he was forming! DARN! Capeside also wins the football game after a bad 1st half!


Yes! Episode 2 of the season!

Joey and Dawson are started to become use to the fact that they should remain friends, even though it may not seem like the best away! ANYWAY, Andie does come back to Capeside. And Pacey and wait to spend some quiet time a lone! But Andie doesn't want to do anything private, but rather in a group of friends. She finally opens up to Pacey to reveal that she has slept with another man.

POOR POOR Pacey! ( well we didn't like her anyway, just kidding!). Pacey does forgive her, "but will never forget" (that's a direct quote), and they go their seperate ways! And Of course other news, Jack becomes involoved in the football team, coached by the one and only Mr. Leery. Jen is also having fun thinking up cheers for the cheerleadering team, since she is head cheer!


Dawson Leery comes home from a new summer in Phildephia, where his mom accepted a job there. He meets a strange girl on the bus coming home, who turns out to be a striper named Eve. He takes her out for a boat ride on his dad's "possesive vehicle boat" and crashes it into the side of a store that Joey was working at. Now Dawson, since school open, has been trying to avoid her because he feels he might not be able to say no if she forgave him. But Joey sees Eve in the boat with Dawson and leaves in a huff.

Later, Dawson holds a rave because he needs to pay the damage done to the store and his father's boat. Joey is found up in his room, she forgives him, and wants to get back together. He says no this isn't the time. Joey leaves the house all teary.

Later, Dawson sends Pacey (yes JOSHUA JACKSON!!!) out to look after her, and he says it was the right thing!