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  • NAME: Robert C. Borton Jr.
  • RANK: E2
  • BRANCH: US Marines
  • UNIT: 1st Platoon, Company K, 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine Division
  • DOB: 24 June 1946
  • HOME CITY OF RECORD: Benton Harbor, Michagan
  • DATE OF LOSS: 28 August 1966
  • COUNTRY OF LOSS: South Vietnam
  • LOSS COORDINATES: 155800N 1081500E (BT061673)
  • STATUS (in 1973): Missing in Action
  • OTHER PERSONNEL: John E. Bodenschatz Jr., Robert L. Babula, Dennis R. Carter (all missing)
  • The fate of the four Marines on the fire team on
    28 August 1966 remain uncertain.
    What is clear,however,is that it's time we learned
    the truth about our missing and brought them HOME! <bgsound src="" autostart=true loop=infinite height=50 width=145>

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