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You REALLY Want to Know More About Me???

Hi! My name is Daphne. Hmmmm.... what can I say about myself? Wel, I'll start with the basics. I am an 18 year old female. I am married. Yes, I know that sounds unusual at my age, but it is true. I married a wonderful man (who spoils me rotten) on June 20, 1998. I will have a wedding picture in my photo gallery soon, sorry. His name is Nate, short for Nathaniel. I live in West Jefferson, North Carolina. Don't feel guilty that you don't know where it is, you would have to be a genious geography whiz to even find this little dot on the map. haha I began my attendance at Wilkes Community College this year, but was unable to complete my first semester due to a automobile accident. I will be back in the education process too soon in my opinion though. School is not one of my favorite places to be.

How about some deeper stuff?? Well, I am a very, very shy, quiet and thoughtful person. Many people assume this aspect of my personality shows I dislike them, but that is rarely true. I love to think about the simplest and tiniest things until they are so huge and complex that I can barely comprehend them myself, and I am the creator!! Once you get to know me, you can hardly keep me quiet though. I love to have fun and for people to make me laugh, which isn't very hard to accomplish. The downpoint of this part of myself is that it is very hard for me to make friends. My shyness doesn't allow me to talk to people easily at first, and they rarely allow me the time I need to get to know them before they decide against me. So, if you would like to get to knowme, then just do it!! I'll be waiting :-)

What I love:

ice cream
girl friends
big trucks
eating everything in site
watching movies (If you've watched a great one, let me know so I can watch!!)
thunderstorms with lots of rain

What I hate:

people who try to take over my house
people who can't drive
being cold
people who try to tell me things I already know
insurance agencies
movies (and books) that have awful endings

(this list is growing)

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