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Habitat Cleansing

Your pet's cage should always be kept clean. How often you need to do so depends on the number of pets you have, the kind of caging, and the type of bedding. Because of the ammonia build-up in aquariums, these should be cleaned once or twice weekly for 1-2 females (guys usually need cleaning a little more) and of course, the more animals you have sharing the residence, the more you will have to clean. You have to remember that the rat's sense of smell is about 100x more sensitive than ours, so if we can smell urine, we definately need to change it.

Once the old bedding is removed from the cage, the cage must be washed with disinfectant, rinsed off very throroughly, and dried before the bedding is replaced with fresh. I have heard that many people use bleach (1 part bleach to 10 parts hot water), hydrogen peroxide, and many others. I was once told that Lysol Spray is a great cleaner. Well, I went off to the store and bought some. They said to spray the cage until it was wet and let it sit for 5-10 minutes to be sure to clean. Well, here I go spraying like crazy. Before long, I was running out of the bathroom because I couldn't breathe!! And I knew if I couldn't breathe, then my poor little girls weren't staying in that cage tonight! lol They slept in a huge card board box for the night while I gave the aquarium plenty of time to air out. Remember to always wash away the disinfectants thoroughly to prevent fatal results.

Now all you need to do is make sure the insides of the housing are dry, and replace the bedding.

Scurry back to the Rat's Nest

And This Little Piggy Ran All The Way Home -- Back To Daphne's Domain