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These Are a Few Great Links

Friends' Pages

This is one of my best friends: Shellie's Playground Please read the page dedicated to her son's hearing problems too. Thank you

These are my husband's friends, Steven and Steve
These guys are VERY single so girls, Go Get Them!!!

This is a friend named David.
I'm not sure if his page is up and running yet, but it will be soon. I may be wrong, go check it out...

This is my friend Ryan's page. Check it out. But be warned: He is a Mariah Carey freak!! (just teasing Ryan :-)

Free Stuff

Get free graphics atAndy Art

Get some really cool midi files (classic rock) from Glenn's 70's and 80's Rockin' Midi Site

Rattie Links

Personal and General Info Rat Sites

You can also find lots of personal rat sites by using the web ring links located at the entrance of my rat page.

Fat Rat Central This is a really big site, full of cool info

Pet Rats 3.0 Another large site, highly interactive, lots of cool info not only from builder but users, also has a classified section

Rat World Really cool layout, chat, links, poetry, adoption of cyber rats, and much more...

Stacy's Rats A personal page about her rats and has lots of rattie pictures

RM Rats Page Good personal page, has pictures, stories, facts, and general info about their pets

Rats Are Cool!! This page has a few pictures and a couple links

Simply Rats This site is great. It has tons of info, pictures, rattie jokes, and lots more...

The Wererat's Lair Great layout, and really cool rats hiding in the dark. Beware, may be a little scary. lol

Rat's Are (Wo)Man's Best Friend Explains why rat's are great friends. Really cute :-)

Eva's Rat Page General info, also includes info in the Swedish language

Tuffe's Rat Page A personal page with lots of pictures

Oh Rats! A personal page about their rats. cool pictures

Debbie's Rats Just as it sais, about Debbie's Rats

Squeak! The online magazine for rat's and their humans

Aaaaaargh.... The Ratz! Great page, cool info

Myomorpha Cool graphics, lots of info

Mulder And Hick-Up Witty references to pet rats

The Supercharger Rat Bin Funny story about the meeting of a rat and a ferret

In Memory of Suai Just as it says. Great poetry

Shadows House Rattery Introductions to the rats of the house and rescue stories

Ratteries and Breeders (Only submit if breeding is for pet or show, no feeder links please)

Minnesota Rat Connection A breeder's page for the Minnesota area

Jones' Rattery A rattery in Vancouver BC. Page has lots of rat info also

Who knows what you will find in this list:

The most beautiful actress in the world: JULIE DELPY

The Official Anne Rice Page

Another really good Anne Rice Page
