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Hello Everyone. I hope you will have a moment to read this, as I have some very important information. My sweet little rattie girls have moved on to the Rainbow Bridge. As some of you know, my husband and I have moved to Fargo, North Dakota. The heat was so harsh on our journey that the little girls could make it no longer. They have now been cremated as I knew they deserved more than to be simply buried in unknown territory, so they will be layed to rest when I return to my parents house, with all the other creatures my siblings and I have had over our lives. I have also made the decision to have them cremated together, instead of separate because since the moment I introduced them, they were inseperable. They were always the best of friends, so from this time forth, they will always be together, which is how I know they would have wanted it to be. Their little box is to be wrapped with a copy of the Rainbow Bridge. Well everyone, I wanted to share this information with you, and hope that my sweeties will be in your prayers, blessing their short little lives. They were loved by so many. As of now, this page is a tribute to the loving memory of Daria and Noel.


Rattie Responsibilitis

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Rattie Links

Please feel free to contact me with any mistakes you may find here. I welcome ALL coments! If you think something I have written is false, if you let me know, I will look for more information. All of the graphics included here, I have either made, are pictures of my own rats, or have been collected on my trips around the WWW. If you see any that shouldn't be here, just let me know and they will either be removed or the owner will be credited, which ever is necessary.

I have added a new guestbook that is only for The Rats Nest, so readers do not have to go all the way back to my home page to sign. You can use this to ask questions, or such.

Please do sign my guestbook. You don't know how great it makes me feel seeing new signatures in there. Thank you all so much (or those who sign at least)

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