How Do I Choose My New Rat?
Now that we have names straight, should you choose
a doe or a buck? Well, the first question we should ask
ourselves is: Which one would I rather have? They both
have desirable qualities. Multiple male or female rats (not both
unless you are breeding) can live together in harmony
if properly introduced. You should normally begin with only one
sex though, to become more acquainted with the rat
species before an unexpected pregnancy occurs.
Tend to be:
more active
generally more curious and destructive
fur is sleeker and softer
appear to be more intelligent
Tend to be:
stronger smelling
nearly twice as large
also, skin secrets an oily substance that makes
fur greasy
One more thing you should consider. I will say this
lightly, but I think you will all know what I am referring
to in the next sentence. A major reason people prefer female
rats to male rats is because the sex of the male rat
is very obvious. Many people find this distasteful or
embarrassing. If you are one of these people, then by
all means, get yourself a female rat who you can enjoy
Scurry Back To The Rats Nest
And This Little Piggy Ran All The Way Home -- Back To Daphne's Domain