Merry Christmas 1997!

It was a normal day. Or as normal as a day in my life got. Or in other words another boring day in the life of Chaos Paslawski. I was walking home from school, thinking of things I think about all the time. School, homework, boys and this time of year, Christmas. It was the seventh of December, and all I could think about was what I wanted the most. The Backstreet Boys, to come to Regina. To me, they were the best thing in life. And I was always thinking how cool it would be to meet them. But since my life was so boring I knew it would never happen. Until... I was wakling home from school. It was like anyother day. People had their Christmas lights on and you could see trees up in windows. I had just reached a corner, when these five guys ran up. At first I didn't recognize them, but when they got closer, I think I did a double take. "Hi." One said. He was short, but not the shortest. His hair looked red, but it was naturally blonde. His eyes were blue; "We're looking for Hatten Avenue." He said. "Really?" I was lost with words. it so happened that we were on the corner of Hatten. And I also lived on Hatten. "We're also looking for a 28 Hatten Avenue." A tall blonde said. He was the tallest out of the group. "Really?" I said again. "Can you help us?" The shortest asked. "Uh, yeah follow me." I turned and started to walk down the street. They followed. "Why are you here?" I asked. The one who was always wearing sunglasses said, "We're this girls Christmas present." "Lucky girl. I mean, to have the Backstreet Boys come to Regina for Christmas." "You DO know us." Brian, the guy who spoke first said. "I may be stupid, but I'm not THAT stupid." I said. "Her parents arranged it." Nick, the tallest said. "But we were glad to do it." We walked up to the house. "Here you are." I said. "Hey, thanks for the help." Nick said. "Hey no problem. But you might need a little more help." i pulled out my keys. "Here." I unlocked the door. The stood there and starred at me. "What?' I shrugged. "You!" Kevin, the second tallest and the oldest said. "Yeah, me." I smiled meekly. I still couldn't believe I was talking to my idols. "Welcome, just watch out for our dog. Pet her and she's your friend for life." "I don't believe this." Howie, the shortest and sweetest said. "You don't believe it? What about me? I'm the one standing and talking to my idols." I walked inside. they took off their boots. "We went up the stairs. "Uh, where's the bathroom?" Nick asked. "Down the hall first door to the left." I said. "Thanks." he took off. "That's what you get for drinking three liters of coke." Brian laughed. "Shut up." Nick hissed.


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