The Surprise Party

It was a really cold day in October, the kind of cold day were you see your breath when you speak. Anyway, my parents had told me that we were going to New York to see Broadway play. I should have know something was up when they wouldn't tell me the name of the play we were going to see! We left my house in Connecticut at 12:00 noon. My parents said they had also made me dinner reservations at the Rainbow Room (wich is a very exclusive resturaunt). This was all for my 16 birthday. I wasn't expecting a big party or anything, infact i told all my friends not tobother.

We finally arrived in New York. My parents took me shopping, and i went into the GAP, and into the Limited, and i bought myself a new outfit. Since i new about the reservations in the rainbow room, i decided that what ever i bought i would wear to dinner. I bought a Black long skirt at the Limited wich had a slit up the right side of it, then i bought my self a light sky blue long sleeve shirt with with a low scoop neck. I picked up a pair of cute black platform shoes, and then got dressed. we were cutting the time really close. The reservations for the restauraunt were for 7:00 and we hopped in the taxi at 6:45. I was so happy to be with my family on my birthday. My sister and her boyfriend joined us, plus my little sister was there too.

We got to the restauraunt and absolutly no one was there. I personally thought that this was very strange. There was also this stage that was set up in the restaraunt, and there were no tables it was buffet style. On the stage there was this huge curtain. My parents told me to sit down, and so I did. We were waiting for our waiter to come and serve us, just then the lights went out. I freaked out cuz i hate the dark. Then in like 2 min the lights went back on and the curtain opened on the stage. Standing before me was all of my friends, my aunt and uncle, my grandparents, and then last but not least there was Nick. I havn't seen Nick in 2 months, we were friends, we had met when my family were in Florida on vacation. I screamed " i can't believe this, who's idea was this, who should i blame", and then Nick stepped forward and said "Jess i'm sorry but it was me, Happy Birthday" I was embarassed but how could i not love this gift that nick had given me. I walked right up to him with tears in my eyes and whispered in his ears " you are unbelievable", then he kissed me on the cheek and said "but for you, i would have done anything" I started to blush, i mean come on who wouldn't blush, he is sooooooo sweet!!!

There was a Dj there and he played all of the fun songs, we did the macarena, and the chicken dance, and Nick was at my side the whole night, it was just like old times. Then he went up to the dj and requested a slow song, it was open arms. He came up to me put out his hand and said " Jess will you do the honor of dancing with me?" "of course"i said, so we danced in the middle of the floor, but it was just nick and I, no one else was dancing. It was sooooo romantic, i rested my head on his shoulders, and i had tears in my eyes "this is the best night of my life, seeing you again is so amazing", i said to him, with my eyes filled with tears. "Yeah I know, jess i have to ask you somethin?" "Ok what do you want to ask me" (whiping the tears away with my fingers). Just then nick grabbed the microphone from the Dj, and stood up on stage. "everyone, i would like to have your attention, This party i threw for a very special girl, she is a good friend of mine, and she holds a very special place in my heart, and it has taken me 2 months to realize this, but i have to ask (turning to my mom and dad who looked like they were going to cry, well at least my mom anyway) would you do me the honor of letting me date your daughter?" I was standing in the middle of the dance floor while he was asking my parents this! I looked at my mom and dad and quickly shook my head as if telling them you better say yes!! My mother stood up and hugged Nick and said " of course, all though i know it will be dificult with your busy schedule, but of course, anyone that would do this for someone they love is so sweet, you two deserve each other", Nick jumped down off the stage and asked me " jess please!!!! Will you be my girlfriend?" He took my hand and kissed it. I took my other hand and slowly pulled his head closer to mine with my hand, and kissed his lips, "Of course Nick, of course", then he said "well i have one more surprise for you", oh god i couldn't wait to see what it was. the curtain opened again and standing before me were brian, kevin, howie and A.J. Nick joined them on stage. And they sang "Give me you heart".

Nick had 3 days off, so my mom had the boys over for dinner the next day, and then they drove back to New York, it was really sad saying good bye to Nick again. But I knew that i wasn't just saying goodbye to my good friend, but i was saying goodbye to my boyfriend!!! But in 4 weeks for thanksgiving he is flying us down to tampa!! so we will be together again :)


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