What's Up With Nick?

NOTES-I just want to say that Nick is my favourite Backstreet boy and this story shouldn't really be offensive because I don't mean it, it is an on going joke with my friends and I

One hot summer day in Toronto Nick was getting ready for concert that would start in an hour. He wasn't feeling well because his mouth felt like it was growing and stretching his jaw so he took a couple of tylonals and quickly forgot about it. He saw Brian in the Hotel and thought, O.K. if there's anything wrong with me Brian will notice and tell me. So the 2 of them talked and all of a sudden Nick could no longer keep his toungue in his mouth it was so big! Brian was thinking that nothing was really wrong seeing as how Nick's toungue is always huge so he just let it pass. Nick didn't know what was happening he was franticly running up and down the hall while people were snickering. By this time the janitor was thanking him because his huge toungue was washing the floor. One girl even made a comment about still wanting to french him and Nick tried to call her dirty but he couldn't talk! Nick's toungue was now a mile long and people were stepping on it! Finally Nick ran into AJ who didn't even think anything of it! Nick wrote on a peice of paper, What's wrong with my tounge bone? and aj said What do mean Nick you just have a naturally fat toungue So what? Nick couldn't believe it his tounge was a freaking mile long and aj just said he had a naturallyfat tounge!!!! he was sooooo mad then aj sat him down and they watched the video for as long as you love me and sure enough Nick saw that he just had a naturally fat tounge

About this storey: Nick does actually have a large toungue! maybe not a mile long but in some cases it looks a little too big for his mouth. ie. like aj got nick to do watch the as long as you love me video! it's most obvious there! Also I have nothing against Nick carter infact I love him 2 death I just noticed his one (and only) flaw and found it kind of comical


Email: nick_kicks@hotmail.com