Mom's The Word! - BSB Moms Tell On Their Bouncin' Babe-y Boys!

What makes Nick, Brian, A.J., Howie, and Kevin tick? A while back, we went directly to the source--their mom, naturally!--and got the inside scoop!

Nick's Mom, Jane Carter!

How would you describe your relationship with Nick?

We've always been close [and] always will be. Nick exhibited an interest in the arts, like myself, and I did everything I could to help him achieve what he loved doing the most.

When Nick was younger, what did you argue about the most?

I would games, Nintendo to be specific...

Did Nick always get along with his other siblings?

Not always. Nick has four siblings, Bobbie Jean, Leslie, Aaron, and Angel. They love Nick but of course [when they were younger], they'd fight sometimes about silly things, like 'I had that first' of 'get out of my room.' The usual.

How did you and the rest of the Carter clan feel about Nick becoming an entertainer?

I am very proud of him. He is really a very together young man who wants this more than anything else in the world. We, the family and myself, are all very excited for him. We're willing to make whatever sacrifices to be there for him and support him and his career.

Brian's Mom, Jackie Littrell!

How do you and Brian get along?

We have always been close! We have shared many talks together late in the evenings and even though he in the 'son,' and I am the 'mother,' he has taught me many things.

When Brian was young, what did you argue about?

We never really argued about anything, but sometimes we did disagree on what his priorities were and how he needed to get them into perspective to have the right direction for his life.

How did he get along with his brother?

Brian's only brother, Harold, in three years older, so sometimes they did have their disagreements regarding Harold's privileges and greedoms...Harold has different interests than Brian, however sometimes they did fight about basketball and who would win!

How did you feel when Brian said he wnted to perform?

I am extremely excited for him! It is a wonderful to be able to do something you love to do as an occupation, and enjoy every minute of it! Brian's brother is ecstatic for him! He encouraged Brian to pursue his dream and make it happen, and he's very thrilled...

A.J.'s Mom, Denise McLean

Are you and A.J. close?

[We're] very close! A.J. has grown up in a single parent household, so we've always had close and ongoing communication about everything. Fortunately, this has [remained the same]. A.J. always talks to me about things that trouble or confuse him.

When A.J. was a boy, were there any disagreements?

About spending money wisely. Dating and girls, relationships and what age to start seeing girls. A.J. [wasn't permitted to] date until he was 16. Use of the phone, becoming more responsible about everyday things like taking care of his room and clothes. Stuff like that.

How did you feel about A.J. being a professional performer?

A.J. has been entertaining since age six, so our family is very used to his career schedule. I am supportive and very proud of him. I will continue to support A.J. in all he wants to do. He is a very special child to me...I am very proud to be his mother and I hope to watch him continue to grow as an artist.

Howie D's Mom, Paula Dorough!

How would you describe your relationship with Howie?

The Doroughs are now and have always been a very close family. Howard has been closer to me than the rest of [my] children, because we have had more time to spend with each other. He is my and my husband's heart, we love him so much.

What did you argue about most when he was a teen?

The time he [would] spend with his girlfriends, taking him away from practicing [and rehearsing]...

Did Howie always get along with his other siblings?

Howard never fought with his brothers and sisters. He was so much younger than them that they hovered over him as if he were theirs! He always had built-in babysitters with three older sisters. He was 'their baby,' sometimes they would fight...OVER HIM!

How does the family feel about Howie being a Backstreet Boy?

This is his dream, his lifelong ambition! Thrilled! We are so happy for him. He really worked hard to get where he is now and he really deserves everything he has attained. We brag about him to anyone who will listen!

Kevin's Mom, Ann Richardson!

Have you and Kevin always been close?

Do flowers bloom? Of course! [Since he's on the road a lot], only miles are the distance between us...I have always trusted his judgement.

When Kevin was younger, what did you argue about most?

Getting him up for school in the mornings...we were always able to talk things out, in spite of our tempers.

Did he always get along with his other siblings?

As a little boy, he would scream until he got his way...he always wanted to do everything he older brothers (Tim's now 31 & Jerald's now 35) did...Kevin was a lover and a fighter and brought so much joy to our home.

How do u feel about Kevin being in the music business?

He has always been 'our' entertainer and I am very proud now to share him with the rest of the world...the family thinks it's wonderful and are so proud of him!

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