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About Myself...

Welcome to my little spot on the web. I guess this is where I tell about myself. I live in North Carolina and I work in the Information Services Dept for a bank. I have worked at the bank for almost 13 years and enjoy my job immensely. I am married to a great man (don't tell him I said that or else I will never hear the end of it...and he will constantly remind me that I said it) and I have two wonderful children, a daughter and a son. If you know me you know that I am a fanatic at collecting old antique jewelry plus anything else old that catches my eye. I also have my own business in which I sell collectable Hotwheels. It is a cool business and alot of fun. I have a long haired orange tabby his name is Max. He is retarded and you can always count on him to do some pretty strange stuff. He is definitely not your normal cat and he loves my computer chair so we fight constantly over the chair. *S* I also have adopted a border collie mix and her name is Shelbie.

I am originally from Long Island NY and grew up in a large Italian family. (yes I can cook my grandma taught me). I moved down to NC and went to college at East Carolina University. I enjoy reading and my favorite authors are Dean Koontz and John Grisham. I also like collecting real life looking statues of elephants(Thanks Dee for helping me out with my collection). Plus I am fascinated by whales and dolphins. I want to swim with them oneday, I think that would be the ultimate experience of a lifetime.

I discovered the net many many years ago and the art of chatting. The best thing about the net is all the great friends I have made. Please stop by my friends site and see how much I wuv my friends.

Well I hope you like my page. I guess it will always be under construction because I am slow at finishing stuff like this.

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