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Chapter One

A Prince William Story!!!


Ding! "This is your pilot speaking. Welcome to American Airlines flight 767, non-stop from New York to London. If London is not you destination today, please speak to a flight attendant immediately.

Holly sighed and leaned her head back into her pillow, wishing she wasn’t going to London. She liked living in her small-town home in the States, and did NOT want to move to England. She thought back to that night that changed her life….

"Dad?" No answer.

"Dad! Where are you? Still no answer.

Holly pushed open the door from the porch to the kitchen. "Dad? I’m going with Kevin to get pizza, okay? I’ll be home by 11:00." She looked at her watch. 9:30. "Dad!?" Then she heard a noise, It was coming from Dad’s room. A gunshot rang out. Then came a "uffah!" "Dad?!?!" she screamed, picking up the phone and dialing 911. "Come on, pick up," she whispered. The dispatcher answered after 3 rings.

"Oh, my God, you’ve gotta help me! There’s someone in my house, and I think my Dad was just shot!!! PLEASE hurry! Oh my God!"

"Miss, please stay calm. I’ll help you. Give me your address, and then I’ll stay on the line with you until someone gets there. After that you can hide and stay quite. Okay?"

"Fine," whispered Holly. She gave the lady her address.

"The police will be there in about 10 minutes. Are you okay?"

Just then a masked man ran out of the room….

Holly jumped. She let out a little moan. The guy next to her grunted and turned over. "Fatso," she mumbled under her breath. She turned to the window, brushing her thick, brown hair out of her face with her hands. The blue water was the same color as Kevin’s eyes. Tears began streaming down her face. She thought of all the changes in her life. Holly was still crying when she fell asleep.


"William! I love you!" "William! Look here!" "Give me one picture, boy!" "Oh, your Highness!" "Oh, God, he’s so gorgeous!!"

William’s eyes darted from side to side, wile that fake smile plastered on his face quickly faded. He hated going in public. Why don’t they all love Harry? He sighed, looking at his cousins, Peter and Zara. They all were on public display from some "royal event" and Buckingham Palace. Ya, whatever. He hated this. Oh, look. Now it’s time to go except flowers from all those screaming girls. His favourite thing. It was so much easier when Mummy was there to help. She could always make him laugh. He smiled thinking of her. It had been almost a year- one years in just two weeks. The longest year of his life….

"William, are you coming?" asked Zara. She broke his train of thought.

"Oh, yeah."

He went to where the fewest girls were. The other girls all began screaming- some were even crying, calling for him to come to them. The girls where he went all got excited. They were screaming. Some of them were crying, too. He didn’t get it! If he went to them, they screamed and cried, if he didn’t, they did the same. William sighed, put on a smile, and started taking flowers.

"Thank you so much." "Thank you." "They’re lovely." "It was so nice to meet you." "Thanks."

All of a sudden, he heard some high-pitched, fake screams. "Oh, William, marry me!" "I love you!" "Kiss me, big boy!"

Oh, he recognized those annoying voices!!!

"Hey, Timmy! John! How are you? Julia! Hi, Olivia!"

William went over to them. He gave the guys high five’s and hugged the girls. His friends had come to save him! And it had been months sense he had seen them, sense they were on summer vacation and all. Dad didn’t let him do that much over that summer.

"Any girls try to kiss you yet?" John asked.

"No, but they’re sure pathetic."

"Well," Julia teased, "Your a rich, royal Prince. If I didn’t know you, I might love you, too!"

"Gee. Thanks."

"Oh, you know I’m kidding."

"I know. Ut, oh, here comes Grandma."

The Queen came over to William. She looked his friends up and down.

"William, this is an official public event. We didn’t let you drop out of
Eton and go to a normal school so that you could spend all your time with new friends. Now, please, go do your job."

"Fine," he coolly answered.

He hadn’t gotten along too well with Grandma over the last year. They all watched as she walked away.

"I better go, guys."

"Oh, William! You’ll NEVER guess what we just found out!" Timmy suddenly said.



When Holly awoke, it was dark. She looked at her watch. 9:30. She’d been asleep for almost six hours!!! But she had barley gotten any sleep over the past week. "Well, the flights half over," she mumbled to herself. They were getting in at 3:30 in the morning, Nebraska time. 9:30 A.M. London time.

She reached into her carry-on and pulled out her diskman. No batteries. "Nothings going right in my life!" she cried out. Just then, a girl about her age turned around. She had redish-blondish hair and green eyes.

"Hi," she said in a British accent. "You going to London on a visit, or what?"

Holly stared at her. "How do you know I’m not returning to London, that I don’t live there?" she asked.

The girl replied "Well, you sure don’t have a British accent, you sound very American."


"So, what are you doing in England?"

Holly was wondering why this girl was so nosy. But, maybe she’s just trying to be friendly. I must look like a mess. "Well, my dad, he, uh, died last week. So I’m moving in with my mom and her husband in London." She began to cry again. "I hate it, I just hate it!!! Why did he have to die?" She hadn’t said he died at all in the past week. Everyone in town knew, so she didn’t have to tell anyone, and no one had asked. She got scared when she said he died. It made it seem too real.

"Oh, gosh, I’m so sorry. I’ve never lost a parent, so I don’t know how you feel, but I know you must be hurting. I have this friend back home, and his mom was in a car wreck about a year ago and died. He still is recovering." She immediately regretted saying that.

Holly looked at her again. "What’s your name?"

"Chloe. What’s yours?"

"Holly. I’ve always liked the name Chloe. I wish my parents had named me that."

"Oh, why, Holly is so pretty!! You don’t have to put little dots over your name, and people don’t call you all sorts of weird names cause they don’t know what it is. Do you want to move up here? There’s no one in these two seats."

Holly thought about it. "Sure," she said, smiling. "This really is an uncrowded plain, isn’t it?"


"Chloe is coming home early, she’s getting in today!!!"

"Oh, that’s great!" William shouted. Chloe had always been a great listener. "I wonder how she liked the U.S. I always liked it when Mummy took me there. We were going to go there this summer, but…."

His friends looked at each other. They had to change the subject. Everything they said reminded him of his Mum.

"We are probably going to meet her tonight at The Café.. Do you think you can come? That is, if she’s not jetlagged." The Café was their favourite hangout.

"Ya, I’ll be there."

"Do you need to ask your dad?" John asked. "I know he worries about you."

"He doesn’t worry, he just want’s to look like as good of a dad is Mummy was as good of a Mum. He doesn’t care about me at all, just Harry."

"Now, that’s not true, and you know that!" Julia cried. "He is a very good and loving father, and he loves you and Harry equally. You two got in another fight, didn’t you?"

"Yes. He doesn’t want me to keep going to Central. He wants me to go back to Eton. I mean, I miss my friends there and all, but I think I would kill myself if I had to go back there. I love Central."

"You would kill yourself? William, you need to stop saying that. Pretty soon people are going to start to believe you. Do you really want to die?" Timmy asked.

"No, I don’t want to die, I just hate my life. But I really, truly, don’t want to die. You guys are too good of friends, and I have such an "exciting" life ahead of me." He laughed. "SO exciting. Running from girls and paparazzi all my life. What a life!"


"Look, you guys, I’m just a little upset." He ran his hand through his hair. "I’ll be okay. Call me later and let me know what time were meeting Chloe, okay?"

"Sure, I’ll call you." John answered.

"Bye, you guys, it was great to see you again!!"

"See ya, William!"


Chloe and Holly were laughing so loud that a flight attendant had to ask them to be quite, because they were bothering other passengers. Giggling, Holly answered, "Sorry, we’ll be quite."

Holly felt like she had made a best friend. Back home she had plenty of friends, and maybe it was just because she was so upset right before Chloe talked to her so she felt sorry for her, but Holly was really feeling like Chloe understood her.

"So, tell me about your friend who’s mom died. What happened?"

"Oh, she was killed by a drunk. He was so close to her, too. He never was too close to his father, though."

Holly thought about it. Just like her and her family.

Chloe could tell the conversation was getting uncomfortable, so she tried to change the subject.

"So, where are you going to school in London? Maybe I know people from there. I know people from a lot of schools around London."

"Oh….uh, Central School."

"No way!!! That’s where I go to school!!!"

"Really? Will you help me around and stuff on my first day?"

"Oh, sure, I’d love to!!! You’ll have to meet all of my friends, too, okay?"

"Yeah, I’d love to."


William ran a brush through his hair. He threw it on the ground, and put his hands on the dresser. "Look at me." He mumbled outloud. "Over six feet tall. Big teeth. A big zit on the my nose. I’m so ugly."

Just then there was a knock on the door.

"What do you want?"

"William? It’s me. Can I come in? Please?"


Little Harry pushed open the big door. "Can I ask you something?"

William was getting frustrated. He usually could stand Harry of all people. But not tonight. "What?"

"Um, well…. There’s this girl I know. Samantha. She’s so pretty!!! I know you’ve never had a girlfriend, but how can I get her to like me?"

Harry immediately regretted that. William hated it when people reminded him that he had never had a girlfriend. "Sorry!"

"GET OUTTA HERE!!!" William shouted.

Harry looked like he was about to cry. He slammed the door behind him. He ran down the hall to his room. "Why does he think he is always right? How come he can say anything he wants to to me, but if I say something, he yells at me? Is it because he’s going to be King? I hate him. He’s such a jerk." Harry then pulled a drawer out of his dresser and threw it at the wall between their rooms. "Take that!" he shouted. There was a hole in the wall. "Ut, oh."

"Dad!" yelled William. "Dad!! Harry just threw something at the wall!!"

"Shut up, William!" Harry ran down to William’s room. "You think your all that, just cause your going to be King. I’d rather not be king. At least I’ll have prvacy in life. Everyone will always know what’s going on in your life."

With that, William jumped at Harry, pushing him to the ground. They started punching and kicking, hitting and biting. "I hate you!" they were both screaming.

Charles ran through the door. "BOYS!!" he yelled. "Get off that floor IMMIDENTALLY!"

Neither boy stopped, thay kept on fighting. Charles reached down and pulled Harry up with one arm. William jumped up after him, wanting to get in one last hit. Harry had a black eye, William, a bloody nose.

"What on Earth do you think your doing!!" Charles roared.


MORE SOON!!!!!!!