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Adam Lee Rosol's
Fourty-seventh Month
December 13- January 12 2002

The big event this month was Christmas and New Years Eve! Len and Adam also had a bout with a stomach flu and Jake got his first tooth. Jake had his six month check up. He was 22 lbs 2 1/2 oz and 29 inches long.

Here are some pictures of the boys during Adam's 47th month


"Blimey!" Adam poses as an elf as we wait in line to see Santa.


"Hello Santa!" Adam is a bit more warmed up to Santa this year. Jake on the other hand...


Santa photo.


Carol takes Jake for a carousel ride while at the mall to see Santa.


Santa brought Adam a few matchbox cars, among other things.


Santa brought Jake a sled.

Click here to see photos from his 48th month of life