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Adam Lee Rosol's
Sixth Month
July 13-August 12, 1999

There were a lot of milestones in Adam's 6th month. He began rolling from his back to his belly, although he's not crawling yet, and just gets frustrated laying there on his belly. We also added some vegetables to his diet, supplementing the formula we've been giving him. So far, squash, peas, and green beans are OK, carrots are very yucky. He's also been tooling around in a car/walker, which is very cool, as he's finally a little mobile. Although all he wants to do is get to the trash can and play with the trash. Of course, he is still exceptionally cute, even if my opinion is biased

VITAL STATISTICS: At his 6 month check up, Adam was a strapping 22 pounds, 2 ounces. He was 28 1/4" long, and his head was 43cm in diameter. He's a BIG boy!

Here's some pictures of him during the sixth month


Adam is learning how to sit upright without help, but as you can see in this picture, he's not exactly perfect at it yet. TIMBER!

I'm mobile now

"Move it kitty, or you're gonna be roadkill!" - This is Adam in his walker. He loves it, for about 15 minutes at a time, then his legs get tired, and he wants out

I'm mobile now

"Excuse me, my cell phone is ringing" - Another picture of Adam in his walker, he's just too cute in this picture!

"MMMMM! Greenbeans are good!" - Here's about what the little guy looks like after every meal. Not exactly worried about his manners yet, is he? Or does he get that from daddy?.

Boxed Adam

"The gift is good, but I LOVE the box and paper!" - Carol visits a February 99 Moms website (if you're interested, theres a link on our links page), which has a "secret mom" program, where mothers send gifts to other moms in the group. Adam got this really cool rattle and bath toys from his secret mom.

"My big boy bath" - Adam graduated from his first baby tub into this ring in our guest bathroom's tub. He's quite the water baby, loves to splash and play in the tub..

"Grandma made me this suit!" -Here, Adam is in a cat-print suit from the noted ohio design/production firm of Dee Schwartz. Note the cute look on his face..


Click here to see photos from his seventh month of life