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Adam Lee Rosol's
Ninth Month
October 13 - November 12 1999

Adam reached a few milestones this month, not all of them good. He had his first sickness on October 14th, a case of croup, which is kind of a cold for babies. He was congested, feverish, and very, very cranky for about three days.

However, on the bright side (and for his parents a VERY bright side indeed), Adam began sleeping all the way through the night beginning on October 24th. We had been weaning him from night time feedings, going down to 4oz, then to 2oz of formula, then to just water in his bottle. After two nights of just water in the bottle, Adam decided that it wasn't worth waking up for just water, so he might as well sleep! It was really, really, hard to give him limited formula and then just water, but we really needed the sleep, and he needed to start sleeping better too. Thank you Doctor Mange for the advice!

Speaking of Doctor Mange (our pediatrician), Adam visited him on 10/18, and weighed in at a whopping 24 pounds, 10 ounces.

Hey! NEWSFLASH! As of Monday, 11/8, Adam has joined the ranks of the crawling!!!! He had been getting up on his hands and knees and rocking, but he finally put the pieces together and he's crawling. I feel sorry for the cat already!

Here's some pictures of him during the Ninth month


" Daddy, I could sit here listening to you all day. Remember this when I'm 16! " Although Adam looks like he's listening intently to his dad, what is happening is that they're taking turns making noises with their lips.

New Shoes

" Forget the shoes, I want more of these fun boxes! " Adam shows the world his first pair of shoes. With fall coming, and the little guy doing a bit of standing and beginning to crawl, we finally broke down and got him some shoes. We took him to Lebo's, a full service shoe store, where a man sized his tiny feet and we selected these shoes for him. Of course, he could care less about the shoes, but he loves playing with the box they came in.

Adam with pumpkins

" You're sure that the Great Pumpkin will come if I wait here? " Here's Adam, posing with our halloween pumpkins in the front yard. He's leaning on the pumpkins, he can't really stand yet.


" Yuck! That's the last time I'm gonna help daddy carve a pumpkin! Gross! " Here, we're carving the pumpkins in the front yard. And yes, Adam hated the texture of the pumpkin "guts".

Front porch on Halloween

" It's boring here. Wait 'til I get to go out for candy! " Halloween! Adam sits in his costume between the carved pumpkins. He hung out with us for about two hours before getting TOO fussy and having to go inside. More on his costume in the next pictures.

Goat Boy

" I'm the Great Billy Goat Gruff! Watch out Trolls! " Adam poses in the stylish goat halloween costume that Carol and her mom made for him. He was just too cute!

Trip Trap

" Being a billy goat is hot work! " Carol belongs to a group called FEMALE (Formerly Employed Mothers At the Leading Edge) which has playgroups and meetings for mothers and babies. They sponsored a halloween party this year, and here's Adam, sitting on a table at the party

playgroup at halloween

" Hey! All my buddies are in costume, too! " Most of Adam's regular playgroup showed up for the halloween party. Here is Shelby (Bunny), Katie (Clown), Drew (Dragon), Adam (Goat), and Mary (Cheerleader who crawled up steps, but makes it into the next picture). Missing is Seth, who didn't make it to the party. .

playgroup part 2

" Where did everybody go? Dang, I wish I could crawl like that too! " Posing 5 infants for a still picture is an impossible task. Especially when 4 of them can crawl. Here the parents are retrieving kids who crawled off before the camera could take a complete group picture.

train ride 1

" Well, the train is nice, but I think I could have a ton of fun if I screamed and fussed for the next 4 hours " After reading an article in the Travel section of our Sunday paper, we found we could take an Amtrak train from Charlotte to Raleigh for about $35. It sounded like fun, but it was the trip from hell. Adam was too young to travel well, and screamed the whole trip.

Train Ride 2

" What's out there Daddy? " OK, he didn't cry EVERY second, here he's looking out the window for a minute.


Click here to see photos from his 10th month of life