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Who Are The God and Goddess

The God and Goddess

All religions put their faith in a deity or group of deities of some sort. The same is true of Wiccans, who put their faith in the Goddess and God, twin deities who have been revered for centuries under thousands of names. The Goddess and God didn't die with the old Pagans from ancient civilizations.

They live on in us, in nature, in the air we breathe and the ground we walk upon. Thus, every moment of a witch's life is a memorial to the Old Ones and Their power.

The God and Goddess are the Sun and the Moon, Yin and Yang, the mountain and the sea. Neither is more powerful, just different. Both have their own "domain" and aspects.

""The Goddess is the Eternal Mother"" the source of all love, fertility, and wisdom. Often, She is depicted in three aspects: The Maiden, The Mother, and The Crone (symbolized in the waxing, full, and waning Moon). She is the virgin field, the harvest, and the winter: life, death, and rebirth all in one. She is the tempest and the gentle breeze, the cradle and the grave.

All creatures are sacred to the Goddess, as Her domain is over the earth, sea, and Moon. Symbols used to represent Her in ritual include the chalice, mirror, cauldron, crystal sphere, and flowers.

""The God" has been worshipped for eons. He is not the stern God of Christianity and Judaism, nor is he simply the Goddess' consort. He and the Goddess are One, equal but different.

He is seen in the Sun, rising and setting everyday in an endless cycle. He rules over the wild creatures, the beasts of the forest. He is often depicted as having horns, thus connecting him with wild beasts. He is both the God of the Hunt and the Harvest, giving us both meat and grain. With the Goddess, He celebrates "sex and wild passion". And as the stars are little more than distant suns, He rules over them as well.

His creatures are the horned creatures of the wood, and all beasts wild and untamed. He is often depicted and worshipped with the wand, sword, candle, sickle, and arrow.

There are some people out there who think that Witches (and others who do not follow their particular religion) are really Satan worshippers. Unfortunately, the media hasn't done much to aleviate this belief. The basis of this myth comes from the idea of a perfect, pure, all-positive being (the Christian God). If this deity is all that is good, then there must be a deity that is the sum of all that is evil (Satan) to explain the darkness in the world. And because Wiccans do not worship this all-good God, then they must worship the all-bad Satan.

But Wiccans do not share those beliefs. They do not believe that the Deities are all-good. Although they revere the God and Goddess for their many blessings, they also acknowledge their darker side as well. They realize that all nature is composed of opposites (as depicted in the Eastern concept of Yin and Yang). Just as a fallen tree will nourish a thousand saplings, darkness will always bring about light. In fact, the concept of "good" and "evil" are relative in nature.

Destruction brings about renewal, Death brings new life. Thus is the cycle of all things.

In short, the Goddess and God are Nature. They are all things: life, death, rebirth. They are in all things. They are within us all, and that is why we honor Them.

Blessed Be

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