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Welcome to My Shadow Domain

Things Changes Before Time

Before time was, there was The One; The One was all & all was The One.
And the vast expanse known as the Universe was The One, allwise, all-pervading, all-powerful, eternally changing. And Space moved. The One molded energy into twin forms equal but opposite, fashioning the Goddess and God from The One and of The One. The Goddess & God stretched and gave thanks to The One, but darkness surrounded them.

They were alone, solitary save for The One. So they formed energy into gases and gases into suns and planets and moons; They sprinkled the Universe with whirling globes and so all was given shape by the hands of the Goddess and God. Light arose and the sky was illuminated by a billion suns. and the Goddess and Gods, satisfied by their works, rejoiced and loved, and were one.

From their union sprang seeds of life, and of the human race, so that we might achieve incarnation upon the Earth.

The Goddess chose the Moon as her symbol, and the God the Sun as his symbol to remind the inhabitants of Earth of their fashioners. All are born, live, die and are reborn beneath The Sun and Moon; all things come to pass thereunder, and all occurs with the blessings of The One, as has been the way of existence before time was.

(* Wicca - Scott Cunningham)

Law of the Power

The Power shall not be used to bring harm, to injure or control others. But if the need rises, the Power shall be used to protect your life or the lives of others.

The Power is used only as need dictates. The Power can be used for your own gain, as long as by doing so you harm none.

It is unwise to accept money for use of the Power, for it quickly controls its taker. Be not as those of other religions.

Use not the Power for prideful gain, for such cheapens the mysteries of Wicca and magick. Ever remember that the Power is the sacred gift of the Goddess and God, and should never be misused or abused.

And this is the law of the Power.

(* Wicca - S. Cunningham)


We are of the Old Ways, among those who walk with the Goddess and God and receive Their love.

Keep the Sabbats and Esbats to the best of your abilities, for to do otherwise is to lessen your connection with the Goddess and God.

Harm none. This, the oldest law, is not open to interpretation or change.

Shed not blood in ritual; the Goddess and God need not blood to be duly worshipped.

Those of our ways are kind to all creatures, for hurtful thoughts are quiet draining and aren't worth the loss of energy.

Misery is self-created; so, too, is joy, so create joy and disdain misery and unhappiness. And this is within your power. So harm not.

Teach only what you know, to the best of your ability, to those students who you choose, but teach not to those who would use your instructions for destruction or control. Also, teach not to boost pride, forever remember: She who teaches out of love shall be enfolded in the arms of the Goddess and God.

Ever remember that if you would be of our way, keep the law close to your heart, for it is the nature of the Wicca to keep the Law. If ever the need arises, any law may be changed or discarded, and new laws written to replace them, so long as the new laws don't break the oldest law of all: Harm None.

Blessings of the Goddess and God on us all!!!

(* Wicca - S. Cunningham)

Rule of Three

Ever mind the Rule of Three
Three times what thou givest returns to thee
This lesson well, thou must learn
Thee only gets what thou dost earn!

(* Wicca - Scott Cunningham)

13 Goals of a Witch

1. Know yourself.

2. Know your Craft.

3. Learn.

4. Apply knowledge with wisdom.

5. Achieve balance.

6. Keep your words in good order.

7. Keep your thoughts in good order.

8. Celebrate life.

9. Attune with the cycles of the Earth.

10. Breathe and eat correctly.

11. Exercise the body.

12. Meditate.

13. Honor the Goddess and God!!!!!!



God And Goddess

Book Of Shadows

Sinfully Images and Fantasy Art...Must Be 18 to enter!!!...Updated 3-3-00 still undergoing work

The Best Dark Art and Images on the Net!!!....Must Be 18 to enter!!......Updated 3-3-00(still working on this page)

Magical Faerie Land....Please Note some images have nudity ...Please be 18 to enter..(updated 3-3-00)

Note : All these images are copyrighted..Please get written permission from the artist to use their images..!!!

Some Great Links

The Best Wicca Website On The Net..And Growing Every Day!!!...I am also I proud Member of this Coven...Come Join Us...Out of the Shadows.... and Into the Light!!!!

"Wanda's HomePage"....This has some Great Ideas with some awesome Links...(new)...hehehe..She is also my Best Friend too!!!!

Two Sweets 101...This is an awesome site...Take the time to browse throught it...I am sure you will find it to your liking...Great Work Beth..!!!

Please Kind enough to has some awesome ???...hehehe
