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Q & A
With James!

fromTiger Beat Annual 1999

This Dawson's Creek star is hot with a hit TV series and a new movie on the way. Tiger Beat caught up with him for this intimate chat. Listen in!

TIGER BEAT: We just heard the rumor that Courtney Love from Hole will be doing an episode of Dawson's Creek. Is that true?

JAMES: Well, it's fine with me. We were just talking about it and saying that 'Dawson' needed an older woman, so...

TB: Were you nervous about presenting with her at the recent MTV Movie Awards?

JAMES: When I first heard that she wanted to present with me, I thought it might have been a joke. I really didn't think she was a fan. But she said she'd been watching Varsity Blues on SpectraVision while on tour--that's where she saw it and she's been watching nothing else.

TB:What music do you listen to?

JAMES: Dave Mathews Band. Any band that can deliver an album in a live performance, I like.

TB: If you could be a rock star for a day, who would you join?

JAMES: I'd probably get up on stage and sing for Dave.

TB: How did it feel to win an MTV Movie Award?

JAMES: It's great--it's very flattering. I didn't have to chase down this (Varsity Blues) part, it was just offered to me, so it's really fun.

TB: Do you know where you are going to put it?

JAMES: No idea. If I can get it past the metal detector, I'll probably take it back to North Carolina with me.

TB: Growing up, what movies had the biggest influence on you?

JAMES: I don't know. I mean, I saw Star Wars when I was a little kid, and it was such a great legend. The Shawshank Redemption is probably one of my favorite ones.

TB: What do you think of the new Star Wars?

JAMES: It was good.

TB: Do you already have plans for this New Year's Eve--the Millennium?

JAMES: I am way behind, and I probably should. I mean, every flight is booked, so I don't know where I'll be.

TB: Were you surprised by the success of Varsity Blues?

JAMES: Yes. I was very surprised by that. I was actually really scared when they kind of made me the center of their advertising campaign. It's kind of like putting all my chips in the middle of the table and spinning the wheel. So my whole plan was--what if this bombs? I'll never work again! So this success has really let me be given so many opportunities and so it's been great. I'm very surprised.

TB: What's your next movie?

JAMES: The next movie is Texas Rangers. It's a western. I'm living out a childhood fantasy playing a cowboy.

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