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Trouble On The Set!

from DCNN Staff

We just received an email yesterday (1-17-00) from one of the extras (whose name will rename anonymous) that trouble has brewed on the set. Apparently, a couple of young ladies who worked as extras were recently banned from the set from allegedly stalking two of the cast members of dc. Our source told us that one of the ladies confronted her earlier before the incidents occurred and had inquired about one of the associates who worked on the set. The lady continued the conversation by asking numerous questions about the individual, and little did our source knew that the lady had one of the cast members in mind. In the midst of the conversation, the young lady later revealed that she had left her family (married with child) and went with her friend to become extras on dc where they, eventually, found a place to stay just right across the street from one of the cast members. Not to mention, they've been fans of dc for quite some time and were regular posters on a popular messageboard. It appeared that they had planned to become extras all along in order to satiate their obssession with the two cast members. Not only did our source spoke to one of the ladies, but she also witnessed one of the alledged stalking incidents. Case in point, she saw one of the alledged suspects tresspassing on the cast member's property on numerous occasions. The lady appeared to be spying thru the windows while the cast member was at home and even attempted to enter the premises. During one recent incident, the cast member threw what appeared to be a beer bottle at the young lady as he drove away. Apparently, the cast member had found out previously that he was the object of the lady's obssession from a group of extras. He overheard them talking about the stalking incidents while on the set and had approached the group and demanded that they tell him the name of the suspects. After they reluctantly revealed the ladies names, he approched the assistant director and had not only the group of extras expelled but also the two alledged stalkers. They were banned from set and possible legal matters may be pursued as well. Unfortunately, the friendly, open conversations that occurred between cast members and extras no longer exist due to the incident. The actors keep to themselves and no longer mingle with the extras. The once jovial atmosphere that permiated the set has turned gloomy and sad.

The staff members of DCNN withheld names due to potential legal issues and to protect the privacy of the two prominent cast members of the popular show Dawson's Creek. Also, our special thanks to our source who broke the news first on DCNN.

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