Is Joshua Really Acting
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Really Acting?

from BB Mag May 1999

So just how does irresistible Joshua Jackson master the knowing smile and mischievous looks that are trademarks of Dawson's Creek's Pacey? Well, not surprisingly those sly looks are likely to be gracing the foxy face of the actor in real life, too. Joshua admits that he and his reel-life counterpart have quite a few things in common. "Yeah," the 20-year-old admits to BB, "there's a lot of what I am in real life, obviously, that's why they hired me."

One of Josh and Pacey's shared characteristics is a knack for getting into trouble at school. "I would get teachers so mad," Josh said. "They would tell me, Just get out of the class!" Okay, so the kind of trouble Pacey gets into at school on DC is a little different, but considering that he dated one of his teachers, he's pretty much asking for it, don'tcha think?

In addition to their penchant for trouble, last season Joshua and Pacey shared the burden of a much discussed hairdo as well. When Joshua got his hair cut into a trendy Caesar cut, the response was not so enthusiastic, to say the least. Even members of his family from overseas would tune in to the show, see his hair and give it the thumbs down. "I knew it was doomed when my grandmother, who swore she'd never leave Ireland again, came over the last time, walked in the door and told me I had to change my hairstyle," Josh chuckled.

Since then Josh has enjoyed a brief blond stint but opts for a more low-key hairdo these days. "Not for my own sake," he jokes of his new 'do, "but because I had relations and it's embarrassing for them." Surely the funny boy is exaggerating, but one thing is for sure- be it his attraction to trouble or his interesting choices in hairstyles, he is one of the reasons why Dawson's Creek keeps rockin'.

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